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I hope you don't think I forgot about giraffe mom's friend Jocelyn! She is certainly an important character in giraffe mom's past—although, of course, "giraffe mom" at this time years ago is simply referred to as "GM", which are her first and last initials. What those initials represent is still something I'm keeping behind closed doors for now.

GM and Jocelyn are lifelong friends but "opposites" in a lot of respects; when they are younger, you can see Jocelyn is the larger and more reserved one, whereas GM is thinner and more outgoing. However, there's a point in time their life experiences that there's a shift in polarity between the two of them...

Eventually GM becomes the larger and more reserved one, has kids, struggles to hold a relationship, works multiple jobs etc., whereas Jocelyn becomes the thinner and more outgoing one, never has kids, becomes happily married, doesn't have a job (but her husband makes a lot of money). You get the idea! 

On the bright side, as adults Jocelyn becomes GM's personal babysitter, because that's just what friends do! There will be more on all this eventually.




I love this so much


they're so adorbs ;v;