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Hello everyone! And hello to any newcomers! I just wanted to give a little update on some things:

• The poll for the November Poll Image will go up tomorrow. It is of course available to all patrons, so please do vote! And as usual the completed image is exclusive until I post it publicly on December 1st!

• My 50 Patrons Goal has been updated. Previously it simply said that if I reach 50 Patrons that I would create a special project to thank you all, and I have decided the special project will be an image series featuring giraffe mom's life! It should be fun and answer some questions about how she got to where she is now etc., and it will also set the stage for some shenanigans!

It will include at least 6 images based on significant periods of her life, focused around Elementary School, Middle School, High School, College, Post-College and Present. Each image that is created will be a Patreon Exclusive for an amount of time I have not yet decided. I will figure out the details the closer I get to 50 Patrons, so I do hope you decide to stick around so we can make this happen!

• Currently 4 commissions in my queue remain. I aim to complete them by the end of this month!

• Commissions will likely not reopen again until sometime next year.

I think that's it for now! Thanks again for all of you being here, it means a lot to me! Here's an old random scribble of Mahiña because why not!