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So... both Parasaurolophus and Archaeopteryx tied for 1st place in the May Poll at 37% of votes. So I obviously have to draw them both!

I was originally going to draw them both equally as the "main subject" but after drawing the Parasaurolophus, I couldn't help but drape the Archaeopteryx over the huge tail, like a small and frail sidekick. This would've made a bit more sense if the Archaeopteryx simply got 2nd place, but I think it's cute anyway... however, let me know if you think I should scrap the "small-Archaeopteryx" idea and do something different instead...




I really like this sketch, I think it’s actually really cute too haha


Ok i love her.....eggs when

Will Stewart

Make the Archaeopteryx smol, but very chubby OwO


Hmm I like that idea... I'll at least make the Archie have some kind of appealing shape.