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My Pebsi merchandiser character Linda taking a quick break and re-tightening her knee brace!

In my "world" I have a race called Cardians (such as characters like Pom, Mahiña, Darius etc.) but Linda is an unusually short one. That's one of the reasons she seems to have problems in her left-knee, but as you can see she keeps working hard in her physical job. She deserves a break, am I right?

Fun fact: I work in the beverage industry and secretly find the detail of giving her high-visibility workgloves to be peculiarly adorable...


On side-note, I recently uploaded a WIP of this image on Twitter just before I got a Patreon, and I just want to mention that for the most part WIPs and doodles will no longer be posted on Twitter, except if the image is a gift for someone there, if the image is relevant for the context of the Tweet, or if I am trying to reach out to an even larger audience for things like suggestions. There may be other situations but those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

I absolutely do want to keep the WIPs and Doodles Patreon Tier relevant but I also don't want to completely restrict my own ability to reach out to my followers there for any reason I might need/want. I hope you understand what I mean.

As for FurAffinity and Weasyl: historically I've only ever posted art to those websites that I deemed as "completed" so no change there!




Aw she's cute


Merc girls are cute


What a cutie!