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--AN) Translated novel: Novel Name: Monsters Evolve Online. This is a ML and human editing, so there might be some mistakes.--

"Just thirty more minutes!"

I, Keigo Yoshizaki, have been eagerly awaiting this day. The launch of the VRMMORPG I've been wanting to play is today, just thirty minutes away.

It's been a while since home gaming consoles shifted to VR games. Initially, the vast amount of virtual reality information, insufficient hardware performance, and game developers' unfamiliarity with new technology meant that widespread adoption took some time. That changed dramatically when a genius released a development package that seemed to leap generations ahead in technology, rapidly altering the VR gaming landscape.

The transition to VR began with the virtualization of traditional offline games, followed by advancements in communication technology that kicked off the online era of VR gaming. Now, VRMMOs are a hugely popular genre.

Fantasy themes are the most popular, but there are always some unique games that emerge in any era. One such unique game that caught my interest was an offline game called Monsters Evolve. Normally, monsters are seen as adversaries to be defeated. There are games where you tame monsters, raise them, and have them battle each other, which is a popular genre in its own right.

Then came the distinctive game, Monsters Evolve. As the name suggests, it's a monster-themed game, but it's neither about hunting monsters nor capturing and raising them. Instead, players become the monsters themselves.

The game is set on a primitive planet yet to develop intelligent life forms resembling humanity. The protagonist is a spiritual life form that has lost its physical body, aiming to encourage the evolution of the human species, acquire a body of that evolved species, and thrive anew as a different race.

The primary gameplay involves the player possessing a local monster, undergoing numerous life-and-death cycles, and repeatedly evolving the species itself.

One of the game's unique features is that choosing a different species can completely change the gameplay experience. The range of species to choose from is incredibly wide, including large and small animals, fish, trees, and flowers. The potential for extraordinary evolution depending on the species was a key factor in its popularity.

Another aspect that set it apart from other VR games was that it didn't rely on the player's physical agility. Most of the avatars players control are not humanoid. The control feels more like piloting than anything else. Winning isn't the only goal of the game; in some cases, continuously losing and dying is the key to progress.

And today, the online version of that game, Monsters Evolve Online, is being released as a new title. Although it's simply the addition of "Online" to the title, the transition to an online format is exciting. The game's nature lends itself to a territory control game. In the offline version, players could relatively easily reach human species by following certain patterns.

That's why hardcore fans have been demanding an MMO version that emphasizes competition and cooperation with other users. Of course, I'm one of them.

With the online transition, there are several changes and additional elements, but details are kept under wraps. It's up to the players to discover them.

"Alright, let's get started!"

As I contemplated these thoughts, the service launch time arrived. My helmet-type VR gaming device was already fitted on my head. I've taken care of bathroom breaks, hydration, and meals. I'm all set for a gaming binge until dinner.

"Monsters Evolve Online, start!"

Following my voice command, the game boots up. My physical senses are disconnected, and my consciousness shifts to the VR space. I arrive in a white space for initial settings, with nothing in particular around. Though it's unclear where it's hanging from, raising my eyes a bit reveals a spherical object.

"Hey there, welcome! To Monsters Evolve Online!"

With those words, the sphere suddenly splits in two, and out come streamers, confetti, and something resembling a banner. Is this a piñata?

The banner reads "Congratulations! Service Launch!"

"Is the management playing around?"

"Those guys love to mess around."

As I said that, the banner seemed to stand up on its own... Wait, was that banner talking just now? Why a banner?

"Ah, this appearance? It's to differentiate me from players! Can't be a tool, you know!"

"Oh, I see. So, going for a humanoid form would be against the theme?"

"Right, you catch on quick! Well, let me introduce myself. I'm 'Ittan,' the management AI. Talk about a lack of naming sense from the management, huh?"

"I mean, that's not my problem..."

This AI is way too friendly. Is this because the management AI of the offline version was too impersonal and bland? Or is "Ittan" supposed to be a reference to the mythical creature Ittan-momen?

"Well then, let's move on to character creation! Have you played the offline version?"

"Yeah, I have."

"Thanks for playing! Then, shall I explain the differences in character creation between the offline and online versions?"

"Is it that different?"

"Definitely. You start with one character slot, and as you progress through quests, you can unlock up to three slots."

"Oh, there's a limit to character slots. Well, it's online, so unlimited slots wouldn't work."

"Exactly. It's an online restriction. Also, your initial character is determined randomly. The second slot onwards allows for some freedom with conditions, but please be aware of that."

"What, I can't choose my initial character?"

"Sorry about that. Due to the nature of the game, having everyone choose the same race would end the game too quickly online."

"I guess that makes sense."

In the offline version, choosing a monster could entirely change the game. Some species made it easy to evolve into humans, while others were extremely difficult. Online, if everyone chose the easy species, they'd quickly evolve into humans. It's a measure to avoid that, but it seems they've also provided three character slots to address potential dissatisfaction.

"Also, this time there are three player factions to choose from after character creation. Unlike the offline version, the goal isn't which species evolves into humans first, but which faction gets there first."

"So, it's a competition between factions, not species. That's quite a change."

"There are other changes too, but you'll have to discover those yourself. Now, shall we start character creation?"

With those words, a roulette wheel already spinning at high speed appeared. It wasn't like a casino roulette but more like a large circular board being spun. Wait, they're deciding randomly like this? Not even showing a list?

"Say 'stop' whenever you're ready."

"Wait a sec, can't you at least show me what options there are?"

"That's a no-go. There's too much useful information, so we can't show it. Even after the roulette stops, everything but the selected option will be blacked out."

"Then why use a roulette?"

"Can't help you there. If you have complaints, please contact this address."

"Come on..."

Ittan then gave me the management's support email address. Seriously, is this okay for a management AI?

"Could you hurry up and say 'stop'? I'm spinning this manually, and it's kind of tiring."

"I have so many questions, but whatever. Stop, then."

"Okay, stop it is. Let's see what you got... Oh, this is..."

"Come on, show me. What did I get?"

The roulette stopped, but its contents were quickly hidden, leaving me in the dark. This setup... maybe I should file a complaint...

"Your initial race is 'Moss.'"


Hearing a species not present in the offline version, I was dumbfounded. There were plant-based monsters, but moss? Like, actual moss?

Great, I have no idea how to strategize now...

And so begins my haphazard adventure in this unique VRMMO!

Yes, at this point, there's hardly any plot or draft, so updates will be very irregular.

Well then, can I actually write a coherent story with such a unique theme...?


