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Second Update :  Internet back up for now. as long as it stays up there will be chapters tonight.

Update: Power now fully out. I got my generator going but no internet except on phone. I will keep you all updated

I am currently being hit by a big storm that has 60+ mph winds. My power keeps going in and out making it hard to do anything.  I will try to get chapters out tonight but I do not know how many I can get out. I am hoping the winds will die down some in the next few hours. I am only letting you all know what is up.



keep safe

Kill.Me = Killian Merphy

As you can see from everyone else, we care more about your safety... I've been through several hurricanes and lived through... so take my advice... hunker down and stay away from the windows... fill your bathtub with water for emergency drinking water... hold on to your puppy and your loved ones... we'll still be here when you come back... 😎7


no hurricane just a massive storm :P it's passed now but no power still just good old generator and internet keeping me alive :p