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“Really!?” Gia’s eyes were sparkling as she looked at Hime. She grabbed Hime’s hands and asked: “Can we team up!? I can barely do anything because I am solo.”

Hime looked the elf girl up and down and smiled. “Sure, let’s team up-nya!” Hime squeezed Gia’s hand and smiled. 

Gia was all smiles herself. She finally had a companion. She had always wanted to be in a team. But what she did not say was that many, even in the human cities, looked down on her for being a half breed. They were not mean to her per se, but they did not want to team with her even if they were looking for more people for their team. 

Hime quickly stripped down and was led to the washer area. Gia taught her how to use it, and once her clothes were on the wash, Gia pulled Hime along to the bathes. “I will wash your back and hair for you!”

“Oh? Okay, thank you-nya.” Hime would never let go of a bit of free pampering, especially by a cute girl. 

“So, where did you come from before you came to South Falls City?” Gia was curious about her new friend.

Hime thought for a moment before saying: “A small village deep in the mountains-nya. Nya was going to be forced to marry next year, but no matter how Nya look at it, Nya dislikes guys.” 

“Oh?” Gia did not seem to understand Hime’s implication.

“Yep-nya! Guys are smelly. Nya would prefer a soft body of a girl any day-nya!” Hime replied. She was not ever thinking much with her answers, just being honest.

“Wait, so… Oh! Ah…” Gia blushed. She did not know how to answer.

“Haha. Don’t worry-nya. Nya would not force anything.” Hime leaned back and smiled up at the bewildered girl.

“I see…” Gia’s cheeks grew redder for some reason, she was seeing Hime in a kind of new light all of a sudden. But she would not discriminate just because Hime liked girls over guys. She never thought about it herself since she was always shunned by all. So it was more just embarrassing to talk about.

Seeing Gia was slightly confused, Hime decided to change the subject. “So, what kind of request do you normally take from the guild-nya?”

“Huh? Ah, yes, normally I take gathering requests, but this barely pays my rent. And I would need to do like five per day just to get some kind of income. It’s not easy since I am not the only one doing such requests. The lack of items to gather is getting worse by the day.” Gia sighed as she started to relax and gently scrubbed Hime’s back.

“Then we will do kill request-nys. We can make some decent money that way-nya. Trust nya, Nya does not think we will have any issues finding prey-nya.”


In a white space….

“Ahh Chooo! I couldn’t hear her, but I know she was saying something crazy!” The old man yelled out as he looked at the mosaics on the tv screen. The goddess of love just so happened to be sitting right there, staring at him with narrowed eyes.

“Just don’t be trying to peek at her when she is undressed!” 


Hime sank into the nice hot bath, the first she has had since coming to this world. “Feuuuaaa~!” 

“You look like you are relaxing.”  Gia giggled, seeing Hime’s expression. It looked as if she was about to melt away.

“How can Nya not!? Nya means, this is just…. Nyaderful… Nya has been stuck without being able to take a hot bath for so long-nya.” Hime melted into the water. She felt like she was one with the water. She leaned against Gia, her eyes gazing down….. She knew she was a pervert, but she couldn’t help it. The eye candy was in front of her, so she wanted to look.

Gia blushed, noticing where Hime was looking. “It’s embarrassing if you stare so much….”

“Hehe… Sorry-nya, Gia is beautiful, so Nya was just taking in the scenery.” Hime grinned as she looked up at Gia and rubbed her nose.

“Beau-Beautiful!?” Gia’s whole face went red. No one had ever called her beautiful before. Even the girls in the house avoid her. While Bertta was always saying she was pretty, it didn’t really feel like she was talking about her because she said everything was pretty. 

“Mmm… Nya does not know if Nya likes men or not, but Nya is sure whoever gets to marry Nya in the future will be lucky to have a beautiful bride like Nya.” Hime answered honestly. She did not know how Gia swung, but she did know that she would definitely take Gia if she liked girls.

“I…. I never thought about those things…” Gia was red from ear to ear, causing Hime to smile. 

“It’s fine, Nya are still young, so do not think too much about it-nya. For now-nya, enjoy life to its fullest. The two of us will go on adventures and discover this world together-nya. What do you think-nya?” Hime asked. She was glad to have met Gia today. She liked this girl who seemed closed off. She was cute and was her type. Even if she could not end up with her in the end, she did not mind having her as a friend since Gia was a person Hime knew she could trust. The girl was stupidly honest, after all. 

“Mmm… I would like that. I have been alone all this time, so it is hard. When I saw you, I almost did not call out to you, but you seemed in a bind, so I decided to risk it and talk to you. If you shunned me, then it would be the same as the rest, but now….” Gia smiled as she turned to Him and leaned her head against hers. “I feel like maybe with you, I can see a better world.”



good goddess, keep the creepy oldie away!