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Arata did not believe the old man at all as he narrowed his eyes at the old man. But since he could not prove anything, he decided to make good use of these two perks. He did not know if he was having a drunken dream or not, but since things were going this way and the place he was in was pure white besides him and the old man, he knew this was not a room. As such, he decided to play along. “Then I want to be super strong!”

“We can only make you half as strong as the strongest being in the world you are going to. If you want to grow even stronger, then you will need to grow stronger on your own.” The old man replied. He could only do so much since he had some rules he had to abide by.

“Alright, fair enough. But what is the strongest being in this world you are sending me to?” Arata asked out of curiosity.

“The Demon God Zelgath. Anyway, what is the other skill you want?” The old man asked. He seemed to be getting impatient.

Arata fell into deep thought. A world where he knew nothing. A world that has a demon god on it. If this was the case, there was only one skill that would truly make him able to live a good life. With a small smile on his lips, Arata looked at the old man and said: “I want plot armor!”

Arata figured since this was all a dream anyways, he might as well ask for the one thing that would protect him no matter what. The omnipotent plot armor. The one skill that will make him the protagonist no matter the situation. Even if he made love to the king’s daughter, he would still be allowed to escape without issue. Even if he were on the brink of death, he would be able to get away or be rescued by someone at the last moment. 

Even if he were to walk up to the demon god himself and kick him where the sun does not shine, he could easily make it out alive and well. This was just how good of a perk this was. While he might still end up hurt, the fact that plot armor was there to protect him would make it so he could never die. He would always find the good stuff. He would even be able to steal the gold out of the national treasury, and no one would be able to stop him.

While Arata was thinking how good of a perk this was, the old man was in a state of confusion. The idea of plot armor was not foreign to him. But it was not something that could work on its own. He would have to fundamentally change the laws of the world to always work in Arata’s favor. While he wanted to reject this perk as it was too much of a hassle and would cause him to also have to intervene at times which meant he would have to watch over this man for the man’s entire life since he could not be allowed to be killed or die from any illnesses.  

While a life of a mortal was nothing to a god like him, the fact that he still had to watch over him for more than the time he was standing in front of him made him want to destroy Arata’s soul here and now! The old man had just gotten his hands on new material and wanted to look over the cat gri…. An idea came to mind as the old man’s lips suddenly curled up. He wants such a perk fine, but he gets no say in what kind of body he gets. He will get his strength and will get his plot armor, but because of this, he will have to become something that is at least worthy of watching over!

“Plot armor is is then. But remember, to try not to get into too much trouble.” The old man replied as he waved his hand. “You will be sent to the world of Lastina. It is a world of magic and swords. You will get a few silver coins and a younger body. I hope you enjoy this life better than your last. Hime.” 

“Huh? Why did you just call me Hi….”Arata had no chance to ask why he was just called Hime as his vision went black.


The sound of leaves rustling entered Arata’s ears as his mind slowly ticked back into reality. His eyes blinked a few times as he looked up at the tree canopies above him. “A dream-nya?” This was his first thought as he spoke out, but the words and the voice that he heard were far from being his own. “Why is my voice so girlish-nya? Why do I keep saying nya-nya?” 

Arata went to reach up to hold his face but suddenly realized he had a few things missing from his memories. He could remember his previous life, but he could not remember what sex he was... But before he could even wrap his mind around any of that, he looked up at the hand he was holding in front of his face. It was a small delicate palm. Much smaller than he could remember. Or was it? His mind was a mess. He reached up to the top of his head to run his hands through his hair when he felt two foreign objects perched on top of it. He felt around and tugged on them gently. “Fuzzy and soft-nya.” 

Arata knew for sure that these were his ears after playing with them a bit. It was kind of hard not to realize this when the rustling sound of his fingers entered them loud and clear. He checked the side of his head and found nothing there. He finally sat up and decided to take a look at himself.

“Small body-ny..”Arata cleared his throat. While he felt it was cute to say nya, it was not something he wished to hear in every sentence he spoke. Taking a deep breath, he suppressed the urge to keep saying nya. “Slime build. Tail…. What the hell happened to my body-nyaa!?” Arata felt depressed. “Let’s just take things one at a time… Let’s see… First, I remember stopping off at the pub after work. After that, I somehow made it to the park then was hit by a truck. Talked with some old man and got some perks…. This much I remember. My looks…. Ugh…”

For some reason, Arata’s head began to hurt when he tried to remember what he looked like. He decided to stop trying to imagine it, which caused the pain to subside. “My name…. My name was Hime?”


Rodimus Scoop

Typo: “is is” should be “it is”