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--AN-(Just a head up but there might not be a chapter tomorrow. It is my B-day, so I might decide to take the entire day off. I am not sure yet.)--

That night the two girls slept soundly while holding hands. Sadly Yuki and Nana both did not dare sleep in their real forms. But they still both slept soundly cuddled together. The warmth of having a companion in this world was something they had both truly missed deep inside, no matter what they had gone through. 

The next morning, Yuki woke up to Nana, basically sleeping on top of her. Her legs were wrapped around her, and she was hugging Yuki tightly in her arms while sound asleep. Yuki smiled softly as she reached over with her free hand and caressed the top of Nana’s head, and whispered: “What am I, a hug pillow?”

Yuki was in no rush to get up. She snuggled into the warm embrace and fell back asleep. Only when she woke again did she meet a pair of eyes staring back at her. Nana had woken up before her this time but was still holding on to her like before. “Morning….”

“Morning.” Nana blushed slightly as she gazed at Yuki’s beautiful face. Even in her sleepy state and with her hair all over the place, Nana still found Yuki to be otherworldly adorable. It made her want to protect her even more. 

Yuki smiled and reached up and patted the top of Nana’s head before saying. “Are you planning to hold me hostage, here all day?” Yuki asked teasingly, causing Nana to blush. 

The girls got up and had breakfast before leaving the immortal cave. Their destination for the day was the treasure pavilion. It was a place most new disciples of the outer sect could forget about going into. All disciple who joined had already started their cultivation, so they would not receive a cultivation manual or anything like that. If they wanted a better one, they would need to work for it. 

Cultivation methods and techniques are ranked as so: Mortal, Earth, Sky, and Heaven. Each rank has four tiers: beginner, intermediate, mastery, and grandmaster competition. The grandmaster completion stage was normally just called the completion stage, as it was when you had fully understood the technique to its utmost limits. 

There were some which had multiple sections to a technique which you would need to reach the completion stage in each section before truly mastering the full technique. But those were mainly for techniques from sky and heaven ranks. Sometimes some earth rank techniques will have two or three sections but are not hard to master. But just getting an earth technique in a backwater kingdom, such as the West Wind Kingdom, was already a huge deal. 

The two girls turned a lot of heads as they walked through the streets of the sect. Both girls were quite beautiful and would make the guys of the sect take a quick look. But not many had the guts to actually go forward and talk with them. But that did not mean there was no one unwilling.

“You two girls.” A young man walked over. His looks were not bad, but you could not say that they were the best looking person around. However, this still did not stop him from walking over and flipping his long black hair, and introducing himself. “My name is Muda! I wonder if I can show you lovely ladies around the sect…. Hey, where are you going!?”

Muda, whose name should make him not want to leave the house, actually stood there shocked as the two girls ignored him and walked around him. But it seemed Muda was not one to give up so easily. He quickly ran to stand in front of them again and tried to reintroduce himself. “My name is….. Would you stop ignoring me!”

“Bahahaha! Muda, just like your name, you are useless as always.”(Muda mans Useless in Japanese.) A plump young man around thirteen years of age walked over with a big smile. “You should know that if you are ignored once, no matter how many times you try to talk to them again, they will just keep ignoring you until they decide to dispose of you for being a pest.” 

“Fatty, don’t talk like you know everything!” Muda did not like the one called Fatty. This was not just some random name but actually, his nickname that was self appointed. He had one day, after being called fat over and over, announced that he was fat because he loved good food. So if you want to call him fat, then call him fatty. Since then, the name stuck. 

“Oh? Then watch this.” Fatty walked over to Yuki and Nana, who had stopped to watch the show, and smiled at them. “Hello! My name’s Fatty! I like good food, and even though I look like this, I am quite strong!” 

Fatty began making poses and jiggling his stomach, which caused Nana and Yuki to look at each other and slightly turn their lips upwards. After all, Fatty was quite an interesting young man. He did not give off a feeling that he was trying to get close to them for other purposes but just a friendly gesture of hello. 

“Huh! Why are you not laughing!?” Fatty was stunned. Normally his little dance routine would get some giggles from the girls. He was not expecting them to fall in love with him, but he did like to entertain the ladies! But these two girls…. They had no expression! 

“We don’t laugh much,” Nana said softly. She knew Yuki would not, so she decided to speak for the both of them. 

“Ah… I see. ” Fatty nodded his head in understanding. He had heard about the two cold beauties who had just joined the sect. They even got first place in the training. “Well, did you at least find it amusing?”

Both girls looked at each other and gave Fatty a nod. This caused him to smile as he said: “So I haven’t lost my touch! You girls scared me! I thought my jiggly dance was going out of style. Anyway, if you ever need anything, let me know. I have a lot of information that you can’t find anywhere else.”

Nana thought for a moment before looking at Yuki, who nodded her head. Only after getting Yuki’s approval did she say: “We will contact you when we need information then. You can call me Nana, and this is Yuki.”

“Yuki, Nana, then if you need me, find me in courtyard three. Just ask anyone where Fatty’s courtyard is. They will point you to me. I won’t keep you. But oh, a free piece of info as our first meeting and to our new friendship.” Fatty leaned in and whispered to the two girls, who nodded their heads and have to Fatty before walking off. 

Fatty then turned to look at Muda, who was staring at him with eyes burning with hatred, and let out another laugh. “Hahahaha! So useless!” 


Darted Table

Enjoy your birthday! Also Fatty is probably gonna be one of my favorite characters lol


Happy birthday. I also think I’m going to like fatty lol.


Fatty is a character that I felt was needed for the novel to give it some light comedy. An off the wall character who is not after the girls but just wants everyone around him to be happy.