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“Now for your guild residence….. If you take a look here, we have multiple places you can take a look at, each costing around one hundred gold and up.” The woman took out a few slips of paper and placed them in front of Kori. 

Kori was confused because she thought she could just buy a house someplace and use that as her base of operations. “Umm…. Can I not just buy a house?” 

“No. All guilds, if they are buying a guild residence, must buy from the guilds selection. While there are not many near the center of the city anymore due to the number of guilds, they are all still a good size and can fit a minimum of fifty members. Each one also comes with a training area with special runes imprinted to keep all spells from damaging the guild residence or any property around them. If we just let every guild buy normal houses and run around casting spells willy nilly, then many people will complain. We can not allow non climbers to get hurt by climbers. This is the primary reason why the Guild Association was created in the first place. 

“So pick from here. We still have one spot that is only three streets away from the center, but it is two hundred gold.” The woman pointed to one of the papers. 

Kori never realized she would need to spend so much already. She thought she could buy a small house for her and Myu for the time being until they were able to make more and then level things up as the guild grew. But it seems this was not the case. Sighing, Kori took out a crystal card and placed it on the counter. “Take the two hundred gold from here. I will take the one you suggested.” 

She did not want to have to run back and forth long distances between the tower if she did not have to, and the place she selected was quite big and could house seventy guild members. 

“One second.” The woman took the card. This was one of the technologies they gained from the tower from the eighth floor. It was a card that you could register numbers on to. The Guild Association decided to use this as a means to help climbers keep their riches on a crystal card instead of needing to carry around huge bags of gold. They could be considered the first bank. Only the Guild Association had the ability to make the cards. How they figured it out, no one actually knows. The Guild Association has always been a mysterious organization. No one actually knew who was behind them.

After swiping the crystal card on a special device, the numbers on the card changed and was now minus two hundred less. “Here you go. Here is the deed to the property and the keys to keys. Would you like to hire someone to clean the place out for you? It will only cost two gold.”

Kori sighed and nodded as she took two gold out of her pocket. She always kept a few gold coins on hand, just in case. “I will go unlock the place now. They can go in and clean it out while I deal with a few last things.”

“Then I will send them over in an hour. Do not worry. Our staff are all professionals and will not leave a single speck of dust.” The woman replied with a smile. 

Kori, who had just spent way more than she was planning, left the Guild Association and headed towards her old Guild Airia’s Blessing. She had to go clear out her room and tell the guild leader she was leaving the guild. 

She walked the streets and wondered how Myu was doing with her training. Aeko seemed all pumped to help her train some more. She looked up at the clear blue skies and let out a long sigh. “I really do not want to go to that place.” 

Meanwhile, Myu was currently working very hard with her chain sword practice. Aeko was overseeing Myu’s training and had been very impressed with how quickly Myu learned.  “Good! Now bring it back and then kick it out again while using the handle to attack at your back!”

Myu, who was still mid air spun her body around and kicked out with her foot, kicking the hilt of the sword attached to her chain, making it shoot out once more while at the same time grabbing the middle of the chain and smacking the handle to make it fly behind her. She then landed on one hand, pushed off, and landed back on her feet, pulling both ends of her weapon back towards her and catching them while still holding a battle stance. 

“Perfect! Myu, you are truly agile, which is very important with this kind of weapon. The control you have over your body is on par with my own. I am kind of jealous, as it took me almost three years when I first started out to get used to this weapon. But you… Not even two days have passed!” Aeko sighed as he sat down on the ground. “Take a break. Tell me what happened yesterday that made Kori leave her guild and want to form a new one.”

“It was because of some man. I don’t know his name, but he should burn to death.” Myu replied as she sat down next to Aeko and began explaining what had happened. 

“It must be Dio! That bastard! He is always like this! He has been trying to get Kori to join his harem for a while now. But she keeps rejecting him. He has tried to force her a few times but ended up getting beaten up. Maybe it is best for her to make her own guild. Especially now that she has such a promising youth. Myu, learn well from her. Although Kori is still young, she is strong and smart. She will be an excellent guild leader.” 


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