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“Keep staring at me, and I will turn you to ash.” Myu’s temper was starting to flare again. She did not like the look in this man’s eyes. He had the same look as the man who stabbed her sister. Her little hand began to raise but was quickly caught by Kori. 

“Myu, he is not worth it.” Kori pulled Myu along as she pushed past Dio. He did not dare stop her this time around. Not when she had already made such a scene. As Myu walked by Dio, her lips curled up into a smile as she sneakily flicked her finger, sending a small flame toward Dio’s foot. With the boots he had on, he probably would not realize he was on fire until it was too late and would need to strip not only his boots off but also his pants.

“Myu, you have to control your anger.” Kori did not want Myu to end up killing innocent people and having it held over her head for the rest of her life.

“Hmmm? But I did?” Myu did not understand. But right as she answered, a horrid scream came from behind them.

Kori turned to see Dio’s leg was up in flames, and he was thrashing on the ground, hurrying to take his pants and boots off. She turned towards Myu, who looked back at her with innocent eyes and held her head. She wondered if this little girl knew what she was doing. But at the same time, seeing Dio in such a state made her feel slightly good. 

Deciding it was best to just leave it alone since the deed was done, Kori pulled Myu away. “Where are you staying?”

“At the inn down the road. I am staying with the family since the owner has a young daughter.” Myu explained. 

“Ah, I know the place. Let’s go there. I need a place to crash.” Kori’s cheeks turned red. She did not think too much about what she was going to do after she left the guild, but now… 

“Okay, I am sure Mich will not mind. At least I think….” Myu did not really know if he would or not, but it was fine. She did not sleep and could go outside and train during the night. 

Back by the restaurant, surrounded by many bystanders, Dio looked at the small pile of ash that was lying on the ground and wondered just what the hell he was supposed to do about this. He knew this incident had something to do with that little girl, but what he found surprising was he could not put out her flames!  It was as if nothing affected them. Even when he tried to cover them with dirt, they still did not go out. He could only watch as his clothes turned to ash, leaving there standing in the middle of the street in his underwear. He wanted to scream, but he knew he should hold it in since he was in front of so many people. He ignored the people in the crowd as he turned and left, heading back to the guild. He had to come up with a reason why Kori left. He was hoping the guild would believe him over rumors.

When Myu and Kori entered the inn, all eyes were on them. This was a given as Kori was the well known Ice Princess. Pretty much everyone knew who she was.

“It’s the Ice Princess!”

“What is she doing here!?”

“Who is the little girl next to her?”

Many people had questions, but no one dared to ask them outright. They only mumbled to those close to them, although they still did not keep their voices down, so both Kori and Myu heard them. 

Mich, who was behind the counter, was actually even more surprised than anyone else since the Ice Princess had only ever stepped foot into his inn once, and that was when she was just starting out. Wiping his hand on his apron, he walked out from behind the counter. “Ice Princess, it has been a long time. And Myu?”

“Hey, Mich, it really has been a long time. Thank you for your care back then. I was hoping you would let me share a room with little Myu here. I left my guild today.” Kori explained while scratching her head. She felt embarrassed to even be even asking this.

“Of course, you can. I can get you your own room if you wish.” Mich offered. He did not see why the Ice Princess would need to share a room with someone else.

“No, it’s fine. My and Myu have just become friends, and I want to get to know her a bit more.” Kori replied. 

“Then it’s fine. She is staying on the third floor in your old room, actually.” Mich replied with a smile. Kori’s expression grew warm. Mich and his wife had helped her a lot when she was younger. Thinking about Mich’s wife, Kori bowed her head: “I heard about your wife. I am sorry for your loss….”

Mich waved his hand. He did not like talking about it. “It’s fine. Go up and see how big Tio is now. She has grown much bigger since you last saw her.”

“I will, thanks.” Kori nodded and pulled Myu along, heading towards the stairs. Myu felt like maybe she was some kind of invisible person since Mich did not really acknowledge her the entire time. Not that she really cared. She did find it interesting that she was staying in Kori’s old room from when she first started out as a climber. 

The two entered the room upstairs, making sure not to disturb Tio, who was in her room doing something, and sat down on the bed. “I will take the floor.” Kori offered, but Myu shook her head. 

“No, take the bed. As you can see, it is still freshly made. I do not sleep anymore since I became an awakened. I do not feel tired at all. So just take the bed. But Kori….” Myu decided to change the subject before Kori could ask too many questions. “What do you plan to do from here?”

“Me, I plan to take you under my wing and start a new guild.”


Darted Table

Dios rep will probably be just like his clothes by the time he gets back to the guild also ty for chap