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Myu was glad she came. The monster meat dishes served tasted like nothing she had ever tasted before. There was just one thing she found out. All the food that went into her belly seemed to burn up into nothingness. She did not feel full in the slightest. If anything, it was as if she was just enjoying the taste of the food and nothing more. She didn’t even feel hungry, either. After coming to her senses and realizing this, Myu slowed her pace and started savoring the taste. Since she could not get full nor did she feel hungry, then there was no reason for her to stuff herself.

“Myu, do you not like it?” Kori asked out of concern. She had watched as Myu went from eating like a hungry hippo to just slowly tasting the food.

“Hmm? No, it has nothing to do with how it tastes. In fact, it tastes absolutely amazing. Then again, anything would taste amazing to me as long as it was not rat meat. But it’s just that I do not get hun….” Myu stopped talking. She was unsure if she should say anything about how she did not seem to need to eat or drink anything. While Kori was nice and all but she had only just met her. 

Kori wrinkled her brow. She had a feeling that she understood what Myu was saying, but since Myu did not finish saying it, she did not push the issue. When Myu was willing to open up to her, then she would listen to what Myu had to say. “I see. Then just enjoy to your heart’s content. Eat what you can.” 

Myu smiled and nodded and continued to taste each dish slowly while Kori ate her own food. She was actually quite hungry, so she ended up eating almost everything on her side of the table as well as Myu’s side of the table. 

After settling the bill, the two girls were walking out of the restaurant, chatting happily about the tower and other things, when they were suddenly stopped by someone. “So this was where you were, Kori!”

Seeing the man in front of her made Kori’s eyebrow twitch. “Dio, I do not think that what I am doing or where I am, matters at all now, does it?” 

“Kori, as a member of Airia’s Blessing and under my command, I have every right to know about your personal life! Now come with me!” Dio reached out and went to grab Kori’s hand when it was suddenly stopped inches away from it. A burning sensation began to be felt on his arm, causing him to yell out. “Ah! You little shit, what are you doing? Let go of me!?”

“Do not touch Kori….” Myu’s voice was low, but the flames that began to erupt from her body showed that she was not playing around.

Kori began to panic, seeing Myu suddenly lose control. While she was touched by Myu’s wanting to protect her, she knew if this kept up, Myu would set the whole building on fire, killing everyone inside. “Myu, just leave it! He is not worth your time.”

“Why?” Myu turned her head and asked. “People who abuse their power just because they are above you. People who think they are better than you when in truth, they are nothing but trash. All of them should die, no?” 

To Myu, Dio was nothing but a piece of trash that needed to be erased from society. So she did not understand why Kori was telling him he was not worth it. If she got rid of him now, then it would make things that much easier.

“Do not dirty your hands over people like him.” Kori was currently trying to keep Dio’s wrist from being metaled off with her ice magic. But she found that Myu’s flames were extremely powerful and were on par with her own ice magic! “So Myu, just let him go, and we can leave him behind. It is more embarrassing to be looked down upon than it is to die.” 

“… Fine ….” Myu hesitated before letting the stupid man go. Dio’s eyes were filled with hate as he looked at the young girl who was acting like she had not even done anything just now. 

Gritting his teeth, he looked at Kori and, in a demanding tone, said: “Return to the guild! You will not get away with hurting me like this!”

“Sorry, but from this  day forth, I will no longer be going to the guild.” Kori suddenly announced, causing everyone around who was watching the scene to open their eyes wide. The ice princess was someone who had always been the poster girl for Airia’s Blessing. For her to suddenly publicly announce that she was no longer going to return to the guild meant she was leaving it! This was big news! So many guilds would soon be knocking on her door, trying to take her in!

“You!? Kori, do you even know what you are saying!? You are nothing without the guild! How the hell are you going to survive on the tenth floor!? Without a team who is powerful enough, you will never be able to live!” While Dio was trying to put on a strong front, on the inside, he was actually panicking. If Kori truly left because of him, he would not have a good time in the guild. He might even be kicked out. And it was not like he could hide the reason why either since so many people were standing here watching the entire thing from start to finish. 

“Then so be it. That just means I will need to get stronger!” Kori yelled out as she turned to the crowd and announced: “Let it be known, On this day of the 2345th day of the Uruk calendar, I hear by leave Airia’s Blessing due to constant harassment of my superior Dio!”

A formal countenance publicly given with so many watching. Dio’s face complexly paled as he tried to figure out what to say. He shakingly tried to reach out for Kori again, only to suddenly see flames flying at his hand again, making him quickly retract his hand. He looked at Myu, who was staring daggers at him, hatred written all over his face. ‘If not of this little girl! She must have put Kori up to this!’  



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