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“Mom, what do I do now? I got suspended because of that bitch! People will look down on me when I return. You know how much reputation is important at that school!” Maria had tears in her eyes. She had been living the high life this entire time, but now she was going to be looked down on because she was suspended. It might not seem like anything big in other schools, but in a school for kids from high society, it showed your inability. Only kids with little to no backing would get suspended.

“I will call your father as soon as we get home. I will not allow that bitch to get away with this. Why would you get suspended for something that someone else did? If the little slut had just shut her mouth and behaved as normal none of this would have happened. I have no idea what has gotten into her but she has been throwing the fact that we are living off her money in our faces non stop. It’s like she is possessed!” Linda did not understand it. How does a person suddenly wake up one morning and change so much? No matter how much she thought about it, it made no sense.

“We can’t just let her keep getting away with this. We need to do something to make her suffer. I will not be able to lift my head up anymore if she doesn’t at least suffer ten times worse than I am now!”

Linda patted her daughter’s hand. She did not wish for her daughter to suffer. “I will think of something. Just don’t mention it to your father. We can only do this ourselves. But I am sure he will at least yell at her tonight.”

“Alright… I will leave it to you then.” Maria finally smiled. She really wondered what he mother would do to cause Noelle to suffer.

- - -

I sat at my desk with my head propped up in my right hand while the other was holding the bottle of milk that had suddenly appeared on my desk when I had gotten back from the principal’s office. “Sophia, does milk just magically teleport on to someones desk?”

“No. But I wouldn’t drink it. What if someone spiked it with some kind of weird drug? One of Maria’s lackeys might try to get revenge for her.” Sophia made sense. It was not a good idea to drink things that I had no idea where they came from.

What made things even stranger was I kept feeling someone was looking at me. While this was something that I was used to, the gaze this time was a bit too intense. I looked up to see Billy Harris quickly turning around, looking towards the front of the class. The strange sensation disappeared at the same time. I couldn’t help but wrinkle my nose. If my guess is not wrong, then the idiot a few seats in front of me, was the one who left the milk. For what purpose, I do not know. But I am sure it was nothing good.

I set aside the milk and got my books out since the teacher had arrived.

The rest of my day was quite peaceful. Although I am surprised that Ryan never showed up to try to fight me. Not that it would matter. I think after a knife almost took his life last time, he was pretty scared of me now. So he would need balls of steel to actually come find trouble for me.

I walked out of school as per norm. I had to do my first run-in with the scumbag David, which I had to hand it to Maria for instigating Rachel since she was now going to miss two weeks of time trying to bring the dick head to her side. At any rate, I will not let him off, even if he is nice to me this time around.

I had just reached the gate with Sophia at my side when a familiar figure appeared in front of me, walking straight into me as if I was not even there. Well, not straight into me, but into my foot. Since I was still standing and he was now on the ground. “I’m sorry, are you okay?” I asked nicely, doing my best not to laugh at him.

“Why didn’t you watch where you were going!? If Elle didn’t dodge she would have been the one to fall!” Sophia was getting the situation mixed up. After all, he would not have fallen either if I had not tripped him on purpose, but I will not mention that.

“I’m fine. Are you okay?” David dusted himself off as he got up and looked up at me before freezing. He just stared at me in a daze, which made me feel a chill run down my spine. A very disgusting chill. It even made my stomach turn.

“I’m fine. Be careful next time.” I waved him off before turning to leave. I had no reason to talk to him.

“Wait! What’s your name!?” David reached out to grab me only for the demon at my side to grab his wrist and glare at him.

“Don’t touch Elle. Or else I will make sure you disappear by morning.” Sophia’s eyes were a little scary.

“Sorry! I didn’t mean anything about it I was just in a rush to stop you. My name is David Folson I will be transferring into this school starting tomorrow. I am just finishing up the paper work now.”


Mort Imer

"Sophia do you hear annoying Flys buzzing about?" -Elle


Thank you for the chapter!