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“Elle, it’s time to wake up. It’s lunch time.” A familiar yet unfamiliar voice entered my ears. I slowly opened my eyes to see Sophia looking at me.

“It’s already lunchtime?” I yawned and stretched. I can only say I love schools that only make you change classes for labs. I got to catch up on some of the sleep I lost last night. But the thought of food was starting to make me remember the smell from the fridge once again.

“Yeah, it’s lunchtime. We should go get something to eat.” Sophia took my arm and pulled me up. I could only sigh as I let her drag me along.

Surprisingly, Sophia was not much of a talker. We both walked quietly through the halls and made our way to the food court. Normally, I would go for my normal sandwich, which was quick and easy to get, but I felt the urge to have something more… well… alive.

I know it sounds sick, but the cravings I keep having are just driving me insane. It might be better to wait until I got home but who knows when I will be able to raid the fridge?

Sadly, my quiet time with Sophia did not last long. We had only just entered the food court when we were stopped. “Look at this bitch. She still dares to come to school. I heard you were selling your body to greasy old men.”

I looked at the person who was speaking and saw that it was Maria and her friend Rachel. Rachel had been the girl from the store. “Oh! Rachel Black Panty. What brings you here? You wish to lie on the floor again? What’s this about old greasy men? Did you sleep with your father or something?”

“You! I was talking about you! You slut!” Rachel yelled. She really had a foul mouth. Screaming slut this, slut that all the time.

“Sister, you shouldn’t change the subject. There are witnesses. I really wish I could protect you, but…” Maria did not finish her sentence. She was trying to imply that I had been selling myself. A perfect green tea bitch act.

“Oh really? AND WHO was it that saw me?” I asked with a faint smile on my lips. “Was it you? Or was it you?” I looked between the two girls. “Because if you both saw me do such a thing, wouldn’t you need to be in the same line of work?”

“How dare you! Do we even need to stoop so low!? A bitch like you who opens her le-Oof!” My eyes went wide as I watched a small fist slam into Rachel’s face. I didn’t even get to do anything before Sophia made a move and was now sitting on top of the girl beating her face in.

“You dare to keep slandering Elle!? Do you even know who she is!? You only hear a one sided story and start making fun of her? Maybe losing all your teeth will make you keep your mouth shut from now on!” I can see now that my temper is still too good. I am still being too nice. I really need to learn from Sophia.

“Get off her! Who the hell are you!?” Maria yelled out. While she did yell, she did not dare to step forward, she was too afraid of Sophia.

I ignored what Sophia was doing and stepped in front of Maria. “Maria, my DEAR SISTER… Do you think the same thing as your friend there?”

My lips curled up into a smile as I reached out and gently caressed Maria’s face. “Do you?”

I watched as the fear in Maria’s eyes began to take over, and her expression faltered. She quickly shook her head no. “No! Sister, I would never believe such a thing! It was all Rachel. She dragged me over even though I said it wasn’t true.”

Although I heard the bullshit coming out of her mouth, my ability to think was really causing an issue at this time. The smell of something sweet was overtaking my senses once more. I looked down to see blood flooding out of Rachel’s mouth, making me feel slightly dizzy.

It was then that a thought entered my mind. How good would it be to drink some of that blood? While I know this was a very disturbing thought, I really couldn’t help but lick my lips.

I quickly closed my eyes to clear my mind before turning back to Maria. “Fuck off before you end up like her. If I see you again spouting more bullshit rumors about me, watch what happens to you. Sophia.”

I ignored the stupefied Maria and tugged on Sophia’s arm to get her attention. “Let’s go I am hungry.”

“Sorry! Elle let’s go quickly!” Sophia stood up and wiped the blood on her cheek, smearing it, and smiled as if she had not just beaten Rachel's face in. I was not worried about repercussions. From what I have seen thus far, this girl was probably untouchable.

But I really did wish to lick that cheek… I bit my lip to regain my senses once again before walking forward. It seemed having Sophia around was good for clearing a path as well. Not a single person dared to step forward.

“Elle, if they call you later don’t worry.” Sophia hugged my arm as she spoke. “No one can touch you with me around.”

I smiled and patted her hand. Sophia was a very loyal girl, it seemed. “The same goes for you. If anyone dares to touch you…” I cracked my knuckles on my free hand, causing Sophia to giggle.

“Wha-What can I get you girls?” The man at the window of the place that sold steaks seemed to be very scared of us. He had a shaved head and wore a white collared shirt that read Steak House on it in red with a yellow strike mark under it. This stall sold steaks, and it smelled very good. I had always wanted to try it but never had the chance before.

“Can I get a seared steak? I want it basically raw.” I answered, causing the man to give me a strange look. But I did not care. Right now I needed to find something to curb the desire welling up within me.



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