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After leaving a rather pissed-off green tea bitch behind, I went to the kitchen to make my own dinner since I don’t think I could stomach eating anything that the rest of the family ate. Just thinking about the fact I was eating the same food as them, made me sick.

That was not the only reason. For some reason, I feel that no matter what I ate right now, it would not feel appetizing. I have a craving welling up inside me, but I am not sure what that craving is for. Going to the kitchen and making my own food might help me figure it out.

- - -

“Mom! Why are you letting that bitch take control of everything!?” Maria yelled out. She was currently hugging her mother’s waist and crying as if someone had killed her five times over. She had yet to change out of her uniform and was sitting on the bed next to her mother, acting like a child. At this time, she felt as if her whole world was crashing down on her.

Earlier, when she faced off with Noelle. She had frozen. The strange way Noelle looked at her sent chills down her spine and made her freeze in place. Each word was like a bucket of cold water being poured over her head. All her words, all the things she would normally say, were stuck in her throat and would not come out. By the time she had snapped out of it, Noelle had already walked away.

“There is nothing I can do!” Linda was also not happy. She patted her daughter’s back and looked around the room. This was her own room, separate from the one she shared with her husband. It was where she came to plot things or to calm down when things did not go her way. It was decorated beautifully with everything in white. Since she was young, she had always wanted to be an angel, and only by having everything in pure white can she feel as if she had accomplished her childhood dream. But even now, this white was blinding. She felt as if she was being consumed.

She had no idea why Noelle suddenly changed but now she felt as if she was slowly being consumed with darkness. A darkness that will never let her see the light again.

“Is there really no way to deal with that bitch!?” Maria looked up at her mother, tears streaming down her face. She was beautiful, and even when she cried, it did not take away from her beauty.

“Not now. Just stay low for the next few months. I have already talked with your father. He has his own plans. We have to do things slowly. If we rush, everything will be ruined. Don’t worry, when the time comes, it will be you who will be stepping on that little bitches head.” Linda did not dare ruin Weston’s plans. They had not accomplished everything they have had today if it was not for his careful planning. No matter how reluctant she was to let the little bitch get her way, she would not ruin her husband's plans.

Maria bit her lip. The idea of being looked down on by the person she hated most in the world angered her to no end. “Can I still keep ruining her reputation as I have been? ”

“Of course. It would be bad if her reputation suddenly changed for the good, so keep doing what you have been. Just do not do anything directly and keep yourself in line when at home.” Linda also felt it would be bad to let things be too easy for Noelle. Just the thought of the girl suddenly blooming like a flower and seeing the sunlight made her feel sick. She hated Noelle’s mother and she hated her daughter just as much.

- - -

I was currently in the kitchen and I was having a bit of an issue. Looking at my reflection in the metal fridge I felt that it was strange. “Why do people say nothing about my appearance? Red eyes and fangs really stick out and I have not been trying to hide them.”

I really found it weird. I mean, no matter what, my good-for-nothing father should have noticed my changes. Even my cheeks had filled have out. Such a change should not have gone unnoticed.

“Miss?” I turned to see one of the chefs walking into the kitchen, looking at me nervously. He wore a white chef’s uniform and even had a chef’s hat to match. He was older, maybe around fifty, with a short white beard and a round belly.

“Do I look strange to you? Like my eyes and teeth?” I made sure to smile as I asked this, revealing my two fangs.

“Miss, I think you look like your late mother.” The chef’s reply stunned me. It was not the answer I was expecting.

“You worked here when my mother was alive? I was sure that Linda let everyone go.” I had thought Linda had replaced all the staff, at least I did not remember this man.

“I have seen a picture of the late Madam. Her silver hair, red eyes, and beauty are still quite vivid in my mind. You are a spitting image of her.” The chef’s eyes did not sit right with me. He had a strange look in his eyes. He was rubbing his hands together and scanning me from head to toe. To be honest, it made me feel sick.

“I can tell now that you never worked for my mother. Luckily that is so.” My eyes turned cold.

“Miss, what do you mean?” The chef seemed to be confused by my words. I wonder if he realized his own actions. Either way, it seemed that I needed to replace all the staff.

But I did feel he deserved an answer. So, with a smile, I walked over to the counter where a knife was lying on a chopping block and picked it up. “Because my mother would have never hired a sick bastard who covets their daughter.”

The old man’s face began to turn red and twisted. He did not seem to like my answer. “Miss you can not slander me!”

“No, but I can fire you. So leave before I decide to make roasted pig. I am not sure if you will be up to my father’s tastes but seeing whom he married after my mother I’m guessing your thick skin will be okay, since he doesn’t seem all that picky.” I flicked the knife with my finger and took a step forward, causing the chef to take a step back. “I will count to ten. If you are not out of this kitchen by then and heading to pack your things, I will keep my word and stuff an apple in your mouth. One!”

“You will regret this!” I could see a hint of fear in the old man’s angered eyes. He quickly turned and stormed out of the kitchen right as my new toy walked into the kitchen.

“Bitch! Do you think you can just fire who ever you wa—…” A flash of light flashed past Ryan’s head, followed by a dull thud. I watched as he turned his head to see the knife that was in my hand now stabbed into the stone wall next to his head.

A strange smell entered my nose, causing me to reach up and hold it. When I looked around I saw a small puddle forming by Ryan’s feet. “How old are you!? You can’t even hold it in. Did you not realize this was a kitchen!?”

“You! I will make you pay! You better keep your mouth shut about this!” Ryan pointed at me with a flushed face before turning and running away. It really makes me wonder why I thought he was so scary in the past.



Thank you for the chapter!