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Hey Fam, if you are getting privacy errors while trying to watch our videos please try the following.

Please try a different browser or check your privacy settings on your current browser. Browser's do updates, and it seems to mess things up a bit. If you use the app, look for updates (Patreon had an app update yesterday), or try watching through a browser on your phone. Chrome or Safari usually work the best. I hope this helps!

** You can email Patreon  by submitting your questions here -  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Edgar Gonzalez

ok cool, thanks...i was wondering what was going on lol


works fine on Chrome no errors for me

Lee Stephenson

Mine doesn’t have errors. But said I probably can’t do Math! How the heck did it know? 😜😜😜


I updated patreon and chrome, used another browser besides chrome. Still no go. My phone updated a couple days ago... trying to figure out whats different 🧐


doesnt work on samsung tab anymore

Sambo Slice

Nothing is working for me at the moment.


I use my laptop and it works with Chrome

Darth Brooks

I can watch current uploads on everything. Chrome, edge, mobile, app, but if I try to look up say Cable Guy or go to collections patreon breaks and sends me back to home. I think patreon is having issues not on ya'lls end.


The searches work for me, but the tags don't. Even when you enter the tags into the URL, it doesn't recognize them. Like this for example does nothing anymore: https://www.patreon.com/asiaandbj/posts?filters[tag]=The+Sopranos+S5 Other than that, I have never had problems with this Patreon on PC. Chrome or Firefox with the uBlock Origin extension tends to fix like 95% of the problems out there.

Deborah Lewis

Very sad, wanted to watch few good men,here we go again🤪😪


Not sure if it's that.... vimeo links don't work for me at all with some of your older content. I did update Chrome and patreon but it still won't work. Could be something I'm doing wrong though


This is what we could find on the support page for the app... Having an issue on the Patreon app? There are a few troubleshooting steps we recommend trying that may resolve the issue. Follow the instructions below – if you’re the issue persists, please let us know! We’re happy to look into things further. Step 1: Sign out of the Patreon app, and uninstall the app. Step 2: Restart your phone. Step 3: Once your phone is back online, reinstall the Patreon app on your phone. We resolve bugs with new app releases, so reinstalling the latest version of the app may clear up an issue from a later version that we’ve since fixed. You’ll find the latest versions of the Patreon app here: Patreon app for iOS Patreon app for Android Sometimes doing a manual installation (rather than using the update feature) will clear up some issues. Step 4: Check if you have any software updates available for your device. Some issues can be introduced by the combination of your app and OS version, so making sure you have the most current versions of both is key. Step 5: If you're in an area with lower reception, you can also try connecting to WiFi, which could result in some improvement. Still running into the same problem? Click the ‘Email Patreon Support’ button below, and let us know. When you submit your ticket, providing the following information will expedite our investigation: A screenshot of any errors you're encountering Device type (iPhone, Pixel, Galaxy?) OS version Version of the Patreon app you are using


Nothing.plain and simple was working a week ago now nothing

Evan West

Worked for me


No issues


Whenever this happens it's always the tablets and phone not working no matter the app or browser. Always works for browser on computers. Sucks because I like watching it in bed or not at home.