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Better Call Saul S2. E3 and E4


Mikey Sea

This was great. BJ, speaking of sales jobs, if you want the ultimate salesman high pressure gig, you guys should watch the movie 'Glengarry Glen Ross'. Al Pacino, Ed Harris, Jack Lemon, Kevin Spacey, Jonathan Price, Alan Arkin, and Alec Baldwin! I wouldn't last a day at their gig.

Dan Gonya

BJ crackin' me up with his old lady commercial face!🤣 Benjamin Franklin wasn't president tho...you probably knew that, I'm just sayin'😁


Chuck is a white-collar loon as much as Tuco is on his side of the tracks. Chuck is petty, controlling, conniving, smug. He likes Jimmy in the trenches and no where near his high pastures. You see how angry he was when Jimmy got his degree and then a job? Chuck eeks the worst out of Jimmy and enjoys it by shriveling up in pain in the dark tomb of his house whenever Slip'n Jimmy slides in. I think the writers did a great job of showing just how much Jimmy needed Chuck's validation but he never got it. Jimmy was and always has been in Chuck's shadow, held there by the chains Chuck draped around Jimmy's neck. Chains of guilt and inability. Jimmy lives in humiliation under Chuck's thumb and he hates it and strikes back in various ways, good or bad.