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Great news! Patreon is up and working, so the movie Nicholas and Alexandra is now working!! Thanks for being patient with us while we worked on getting it fixed! Much love!! 



Don’t know this movie. I will watch it though. Movies always surprise me.

Potato Jones

I love history so I'll give this a watch. The great thing about this is even if the movie isn't good, it'll be educational to spend time in the past to understand a little more about the global story. I feel like history is one big TV show, and studying history is rewatching the old seasons to get caught up. You know an interesting story? So a theory about why Rasputin was able to supposedly "heal" the son of Nicholas who was sick is all down to Rasputin making the child stop taking aspirin, which is a blood thinner. From what I know, Nicholas was a good father and even though their marriage was royal and arranged, they really were in love love. He was a garbage leader during war though. Then again, Russia was doomed long before that. Did y'all know Russia lost to Japan just 10 years before WW1? That's how bunk their military was. They had no hope against germany. All that anger and frustration needed an outlet and the people were thirsty for revolution.


Lol a lot of what you said is covered in the movie! So I'm sure you'll enjoy it