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Dexter S2. E9 and E10


Rebecca Karsner

Lila is pissing me off!! Please leave!!! Nobody wants you here!!! And Debra sweetie, you need to date a man your age. I think Lundy seems to be a decent guy but you don't have to date him. He looks like your father.. or grandfather!! 😕 Anyways enjoying the reactions! Can't wait for the last 2!!! Hope you guys are having a great day!! 😁


Oh, she definitely does end up "dating" a "man" her own age!! 😬

Dan Gonya

BJ is absolutely correct in his analysis of what Dexter meant when he said, "I killed my father!" It was one thing for Harry to teach Dexter the code, but quite another to actually witness Dexter actually carrying it out. Doakes and Harry both said "stay away from me." Doakes obviously knew that Dexter was a killer, but when he was actually in the room while it was happening, it intensified the reality of the situation. Likewise with Harry, he couldn't live with the reality of what he had created.

Nicky the Greek

I hate how Rita gives him so much crap for sleeping with Lila........after she dumped him! They weren't even together and it was her decision. Yet she holds that against him. Shoot, Rita please!