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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire



You guys have the best Harry Potter reactions I have seen so far


Little late so not sure if you'll see this or not but I'm gonna answer some questions without repeating too much of what others have said and not giving away any spoilers. As I mentioned on YT for HP #3 and someone said in a comment above, the movies are missing a massive chunk of the books and the movies are made with the assumption that you have read the books and will put the pieces together. So if at any point you are confused or felt like you missed something there is a good chance it just assumes you already know the story. Again, I highly recommend reading the books but not everyone has that kinda time so I get it. One big name drop moment that is very very briefly covered in the movies that I noticed no reaction from you when it was said is that in this movie/book you find out that at some point Snape was a death eater and worked for Voldemort. This gives Harry and his friends worry about Snape since in the books Snape is much more cruel and viscous, especially to Harry, but Dumbledore vouches for him and says he turned to the good side. This is a very important bit of information. The Goblet is magically made to choose one student from each school at random, the teachers/headmasters don't do it themselves cause I imagine it could be seen as someone was cheating or showing favoritism. As someone else mentioned the cup had a spell cast to make it think there was 4 schools and Harry was the only student listed in the other school to guarantee him getting chosen The "dreams" are visions that Harry is having because of his connection to Vold that Dumbledore mentions he has in one of the first 3 movies/books due to the death curse backfire. They didn't play Quidditch in this one because Quidditch was canceled that year to do the Triwizard Tournament instead. In the books, Ron and Hermione's relationship is very rocky, they tease each other off and on and in the 3rd one they wont even talk to each other and Ron is pissed at her for half the book until they make up, but in short it is very underplayed in the books if they even like each other or not, but again in the movies it is like "you read the books so we are gonna make it Blatantly Obvious". Other things that happen in the books but not in the movies that isn't technically a spoiler cause it doesn't come up in the movies (some of this might be off, been a few years since I read all the books. Going through them all again and almost on the 4th one now); at the end when their spells connect, that is not technically supposed to happen but it is because their wands were made from the same phoenix and the wands, in a way, were kinda like brothers so instead the spells clashed and made that connecting spell beam and caused that odd magical effect to occur where some of the victims from that wand came out and talked to Harry including his parents and Cedric (Dumbledore explains this to Harry at the end of the book and tells him that he knew at that moment, after Harry returned with the cup, that that wasn't the real Mad-Eye Moody because the real Moody would never have taken Harry away from Dumble and that is why they came to find and save Harry); Also Harry doesn't get knocked unconscious at the Quidditch world cup. Him Ron and Hermione get lost in the forest when the Death Eaters are destroying and terrorizing, which results in them finding Barty Crouches house elf which he then fires for disobeying an order she was given (which Hermione is furious about because the elf disobeyed it because she was scared and didn't want to stay put in the destruction and chaos) which brings "embarrassment" to the Crouch house, and this also shows that Barty wasn't afraid to do anything to save his reputation even denounce his own son when he is on trial. This all brings back Dobby the house elf from the second book/movie who you find out is working in the Hogwarts kitchens, which you find out is run by house elves and Dumbledore hires Barty's ex-house elf to work there but she is often distraught and inconsolable, and this makes Hermione start her own house elf liberation movement that nobody really cares about including the house elves; Also not mentioned is when Crouch Jr is under truth serum he explains how he got out of Azkaban, his father, I believe, switched him out with a look-a-like but this didn't change the fact that Crouch Jr still kills his father, Crouch Sr, because he didn't see it as an act of kindness from his father more just his dad trying to save his own skin and reputation, or something like that lol. So yeah there really is a metric Fuck-Ton of story missing in the movies so again highly worth a read or audiobook listen if you can spare the time, truly a magical creation that has even more of that magical feel that Asia mentioned than in the movies.