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Dexter S1. E1 and E2


Michelle C

Here we go!! 😍😍😍


Let’s go!

Mikey Sea

Tonight's the night.

Ann Smith

Omg this show is GREAT!! Another awesome show!!


Tonight is the night 😈

Cole hauser

YESSS I couldn’t wait anymore.. this series is easily the one of my favorites.


This is gonna be wild

Darth Brooks

Been a while since I watched this and I never finished it. Can't wait to get home and dive in ✌❤ A&B fam!


Been waiting for this one. Ready to watch with yall. I hope yall enjoy this series :)

Andi Szilagyi

Man, I had a love hate love with this show. Looking forward to your guys' reaction.

Michele G

Yeah yeah yeah 💉🔪🩸🩸🩸 ⛵️


Let's goooooo

Rio Mendoza

Well let's give this Dexter thing a shot. Thanks guys.


Good series. Makes you think, it’s a story within a story


Excited to get to watch Dexter with you guys! Thanks


Yes! Finally!!

Jake Martin

Me getting this notification: "Tonight's the night. And it's going to happen again, and again... has to happen."

Rose Dallman

Really excited about seeing this series. Have never watched before, but knew about it through media and friends talking about it. Should be another roller coaster ride!

Monica W

Let's go! I'm way too excited about this.

Stacey Capito

Just finished episode 1 and the reaction was great! Asia's jaw was on the floor most of the show. 🤣 The premise of the show is brilliant. The goal of the writers is to get us emotionally invested in the flawed main characters. What better way than to see the delimma of a loving parent trying to rationalize the negative behavior of their otherwise good and likeable child. We all have to make the best of a situation when things exist that are out of our control... such is life. 😉 Can't wait to watch you go on this psychological journey.


Ngl this show is hilarious if you like dry humor. I forgot how funny this was 😂


Love watching with y’all. This is a great series.

Julie A

My favorite part of the reaction: Asia- “I would have to give Dexter back.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Julie A

I watched the whole series when it came out. Michael C Hall is an amazing actor and he had been in another show that I loved called “Six Feet Under”. I liked “Dexter” up until a certain point that I won’t spoil for you. Some people agree with me, and some liked the whole series. To each his own! I’m not going to be rewatching the series, but wanted to see Asia and BJ’s reaction to the first 2 episodes. I hope you enjoy it!


saw the dexter drop and immediately had to pull up and be part of the patreon fam i'm so excited to watch this with y'all dexter was a huge part of my life back when it aired 🤍


Yesssss! I kept checking for this to drop! Excellent show! I'm super excited!

Rio Mendoza

Ok sounds good idk if i can continue watching its not keeping me that interested. Maybe cause its showtime but it feels real network tv series instead of cable tv show. Im also not into narration very much it works in small doses but i cannot watch a whole series with it. I was a little disappointed in the cast they are mostly b and c list actors not bad just not very likable or recognizable. The standout is Dexter for sure. he does remind me of a 90s porn star though lol. I think my favorite part of the show is the part they spend the lease amount of time n and thats the relationship with his dad. More dad stuff would be more interesting to me. IDk ill give it 2 more eps and see how i feel. These first 2 didnt grab me to hard though. Hopefully i like it more.

Ryne Mclane

Any fans of Dexter should definitely check out the book series. The show does the 1st book for Season 1 then the show did its own story. There are a couple of books that would've been great in the show.


Thank you for starting Dexter. My next request has to be Ray Donavan. You'll both love it.

Michelle C

Ted Bundy was very charming they said and look what he was... Just sayin lol

Charlotte Drolet

My husband and daughter used to tell me to watch this. I never did, so I guess I am going to watch with Asia and BJ!!!

Bonnie Smith

10 mins in and I'm dying laughing at your reaction hahah "You couldn't do that in the arm? The neck??" And me thinking.. oh man, she has no idea whats about to happen. It won't matter if its the leg or butt LOL

Michele G

He does narrate the entire series. Otherwise we wouldn’t know what was going on in his crazy head lol. Kind of like the movie American Psycho (idk if you’ve seen that). We need to know how he thinks and rationalize his choices bc he’s a psychopath 🔪😍 but I get it. Not everyone has the same tastes in shows. Like me, I hate sci fi and fantasy stuff. I mean some are ok, but 99% of them I just can’t get into it. Example…I hate Lord of the Rings 😂 which is sad bc it’s my husband’s FAVORITE movies / series. And I can’t stand it 🫣 😂


Oh yeah. Here we go!! 🤩

Julie A

Rio- doesn’t sound like it’s the show for you. It doesn’t matter to me if actors are recognizable. I only knew of Lorraine Bracco when The Sopranos started. Also, I think the actors on Dexter were very good. I just didn’t like the direction it went in. Definitely not like a network show, though.


Sooooo good! Can't wait for the next one!


i have watched you on youtube for ever. this is the only reaction channel i have joined. it is because of dexter!! it is my favorite show ever. i dont consider it the best show ever but it is my favorite!! for the record the 3 best shows ever made in no particular order are The Wire. Game of Thones. and Breaking Bad. you have done two of those, now watch The Wire please........i saw people below comment to watch justified.....they are correct! justified is great and the new mini series starts in 5 days! great dialog and characters. but again i must strongly recommend The Wire. since you haven't done it yet. you guys are great and i loved the reaction. BJ you are ok in being at peace with dexter and what he does by taking out the trash! it's make believe, Asia you will come around to love him like the rest of us! Jake thanks 4 the reply, you have great taste! Top 3 EASILY!!!


Lol yah Pateron fam is wayyy more ahead then youtube. I saw u guys posted GOT Episode 1 & 2 today, and ppl were commenting trying to explain it. Lol I commented..dude, they finished "House of the Dragon" like 2 weeks ago, u need to sign up


Dexter and Psych are both on my top 5 favorite shows. I'm sooooooooo excited for this series. I just finished episode 1 with you guys, I really think this is maybe the best first episode of any series ever.

Travis Miller

If you have Hulu, better go ahead and do Justified!

Daniel Kapity

Yes definitely justified and you have to react to grimm.


Asia said after the free trial they might quit watching if they don't like Dexter. Lol i know u were probably jk, but we're not worried. Dexter is 1 of greatest shows ever. It's up there..especially the first 4 seasons

Mr Jackpots

When people see that the legal system is corrupt and too many bad people walk free then they look for some other solution to the problem. It's why super heroes are so popular these days. They take out the trash despite the law. In that sense Dexter is a super hero, a creepy super hero, but still a super hero. He has a code that he follows. Batman doesn't kill, while Dexter only kills truly evil people. It's a sign of the times.


Exactly. A society that depends on FICTIONAL superheroes or revenge killings instead of the government THEY THEMSELVES are in control of, but instead fight among themselves and care not for each other. And it's due to the media and ignorance. It's literally a dystopia. To painful to deal with, and to easy to distract from. Definitions are so twisted that a murderer is considered a savior. Breaking bad showed a fraction of this more realistically. It's weird of americans applaud criticism against their society in forms of entertainment but can't change for the better. Truly a dystopia, literally.


Respect for Asia. The US is riddled with people who confuse justice with revenge. And I get it, systems are built like that so people adopt it, especially the weak and undisciplined. Murder is wrong, revenge is wrong. Just because it makes you feel better and it's simple, doesn't make it right. Extremely few americans i've met knows what's up. Or at least have morals. Respect Asia, for real. I'm a prick when it comes to this, I don't sugarcoat it or anything. I will despise you if you condone torture or murder. But we found a gem here.

Michele G

I forgot how funny Deb is and her potty mouth 😂😂 i never really cared for the actress much until I saw her in this show. Love Deb !

Michele G

It’s been so long since I’ve seen it, I’m vaguely remembering a down swoop after season 5. Season 3 definitely sticks out in my head though as the best I’ve ever seen. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about ….. it gets better then towards the end it slopes off. They should have stopped it after a certain point but Dexter was hot back then, ratings were so high, people wanted more and more

Michele G

I haven’t seen the Wire but I have seen sooooo many people comment about the show ! My top 3 are BB, Walking Dead (up until a couple of years ago) and Dexter. I haven’t seen Game of Thrones, but I know it’s everyone’s favorite. I need to pump myself up for that one though, I don’t like fantasy stuff 🫣 I’ve tried to watch it a couple of times and I can’t get past the 1st episode ☹️

Michele G

😂😂 for real ! This is my 1 and only Patreon and it’s the best money I spend all month. They definitely keep us entertained!! Great channel !

Michele G

I like how Dexter only kills truly evil people, and how he does his research !! Not someone who makes mistakes or had a bad phase in his life. Truly heinous people who have no problem hurting others. That why we all root for him! Getting rid of the stinkiest and nastiest trash on earth !!

Michele G

The only time in real life where I think a Dexter is needed, is for the monsters who hurt children. The P’s in this world need a Dexter to wrap them in plastic. Otherwise I agree with you. But that’s why this show is fun, you can throw out your morals and root for Dexter in this make believe world 😜


Bj is partially right. And he talks about humans like they are products. Trash, can be disposed of and recycled. And he's somewhat right. But... why not improve the product? Disposing of bad "prodcuts" is a waste. That's some dystopian stuff. Farcry 3 comes to mind. Doing the same stuff over and over, expecting it to change. It's insanely depressing. And by definition, the country has to go. It's a bad product. Sure we can break it down to small levels but as he said, as long as country with so many people who has that mindset exists, it wont be balanced. Murderers killing murderers.

Julie A

She said she might watch it on a different streaming service after the free trial if there are ads.

Julie A

Michele- Yes. For me the show lost the plot after season 5. I know people didn’t like the finale of The Sopranos, but the Dexter finale INFURIATED me! Lol


Deb and Masuka bring so much comedy relief to this show. 😂


Loved it - its always good re-watching something you haven't for SO long! Expect more jaw dropping lol - sometimes though? There's that saying. In order to defeat evil? You must become a greater evil. That's how some reason with doing evil themselves. Great reaction as always!


Bjs “Taking out the trash” line is very accurate. Thats how Dexter sees himself and how he justifies everything hes done and will do.


Great reaction, as always! Here I am sitting outside having a smoke break at work, watching y’all watch dexter. I look at my vehicle and see the brand name of my tires: Dextetro. Coincidence? I think not.


“Would you like to come in?” BJ: “Hell yeah!” Asia: “See she’s not asking you, you need to be quiet.” 😂😂😂

Alex Lee

When the guy was in jail, he said "who do you think the warden listens to?", and the guard stabbed him and said "he listens to Guerrero". He was killed so he couldn't talk for a deal.

Rio Mendoza

Im gonna give it a couple more episodes sometimes they dont get rolling for a few while setting things up. Plus pilots are usually shot months before everything else and stories change actors change they way they act. So a whole lot can change for me. Im hoping i like it i need a new show to watch there is nothing on right now. Im watching secret invasion and dont like it at all. Fingers crossed about Dexter. Oh yeah do they go into the past more with the father?


Subbed to the patreon just for Dexter :) you guys are gonna love this show

Julie A

Rio- yes, you will find out more about Dexter’s backstory. What kind of shows do you like and what streaming services do you have? I might have some suggestions.

Rio Mendoza

I have all the streaming services lol. And ive pretty much seen everything but will take any suggestions. Have you watched The Bear by any chance? Or how about Succession?

Julie A

Rio- No, I plan on watching Bear at some point. I’ve never seen Succession, and I don’t currently have Max. I can’t afford all the streaming services at once. Have you seen Six Feet Under?


I loved this show. You will find yourself rooting for him and then say to yourself, wait a minute, I'm rooting for a serial killer. Crazy.

Anthony Lucido

TONIGHT’S THE NIGHT LETS GO also very brilliant of the writers to have the first kill you ever see him commit be a pedophile it gets you out of the gate to already be on Dexter’s side


Asia: "I'm glad you work at home." lmao ya'll are hilarious


It’s so interesting how you guys have taken almost opposite positions on Dexter’s character. Asia, I hope you can still enjoy the show even if you don’t agree with what he’s doing. 🤞🏼🤞🏼

Michele G

Their patreon is awesome !! As soon as I joined I was able to watch a movie a day with them. They have sooooo much content !! Their breaking bad reaction was so much fun !!! It’s totally worth the membership fee !

Elizabeth DeMerie

I must say, I didn't mind 1 bit that he took out the pedo and rapist....I am 100% for taking out that trash lol

Pink Martini AZ

Rio, have you seen Squid Game? I finally saw it recently and found that to be highly interesting. I agree with Julie’s suggestion that Six Feet Under is a decent one too. I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it or not but it steadily grew on me back in the day when it first came out.


So excited for this series! I joined for sopranos but this is great too! I think it was a good analogy. Don't think bj was saying he'd join the dexter fan club but just that he provides a needed service 😉 Love you guys!

Michael Paddon

I loved the end of the 2nd one as you both got into the conversation that raged in every house when this was on. Do you support him? Or is he just as bad as the other monsters he gets rid of?


I joined simple for this. I've seen this entire series probably 10 times so to watch it with yall will be worth the money.


The first 4 seasons of Dexter is great television. The 4th season is my favorite. After that.... yikes. The showrunner left and the show went really downhill. Please fellow Dexter fans, at least hold a vote to not have to subject these two wonderful folks to Season 5 and beyond


Meh, 5 6 are pretty good still, and 7 is awesome. Only 8 is like you said.

Mr. Nobody

Time Out Humanity, you are stupid. Seasons 1 -8 are awesome! WHY WOULD YOU PROJECT YOUR insecurities on them. Dont tell them to not watch the entire series, thats dumb. The entire series is awesome!

James Reeves

I know I am a little late, but do you recognize Deb Morgan? She was Emily Rose in The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

Eligh Te

the patreon format is insane here its crazy you guys manage to show whole episodes like this for everthing. ive already seen sopranos and better call saul and breaklng bad in its entirety rewatching here with you guys, along with many movies. and im excited to start a brand new show in its entirety with you guys, so cool!

Patrick Mondout

I joined just to see your reactions to Dexter. Groundbreaking show unlike anything before it. Can't wait to "watch it with you." :)