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Ann Smith

I never saw this movie. It may be time to watch!! What’s up guys?

Andrew Clifton

Hell yea. Very good movie. You would think a movie where you know how it ends wouldn't be good but that isn't the case here.

Karl Kraus

Look at you guys go! You're cranking out the surprise movies this weekend! This isn't one of my favorites per se, but i like it for the production aesthetic and the story grows on you after some viewings Should be a fun time watching your reaction


Yeass. A classic.

Derek Jolstead

Characters and story aside (which are also pretty good), this movie was a technical tour de force. They were pretty much inventing the technology needed to make it as they went, which is pretty impressive and almost all completely holds up to this day. To me, this is a really emotional, immersive movie as a direct result of how well all of that still works (even though we now have contradicting evidence about how the Titanic really sank, but that’s beside the point lol). Super excited to watch this one with you guys!

Joanie Archetto

Thank you!!! The authenticity of the Titanic interiors and period costumes are truly a vision. "Rose" gave me two of my favorite lines to use as comebacks. "There's truth, but no logic." "I'm through being polite, God damn it." Those last three words being optional, depending on the circumstances.

Rhea H Pelotto

Don't care what anyone says, this is one of my favorite movies of all time. Still have my worn out, TWO PIECE VHS set even though I don't have a functioning VCR to play it on lol. Kids today will never know the struggle.... Be kind, please rewind 🤣🤣 EDIT: What a husband!! Purposely burning popcorn to help his wife "watch calories" LMFAO Too good 🤣🤣🤣🤣 The footage at the very beginning was that of the REAL Titanic about to take voyage and the footage from the ocean floor is REAL, as well

JJ Carlisle

Oh wow I had not even thought about you guys reacting to this. Hell yeah this will be good

thank u next

Yall are truly blessing us. First Notebook, now Titanic. My favorite movies of all time both checked off. 🙏

Brenda Galvez

I'm so glad y'all did this one! yay


Next dicaprio movies to watch What's Eating Gilbert Grape(1993), Romeo + Juliet(1996) and The Basketball Diaries(1995)

Rio Mendoza

Wow you guys are the best. I'm not the biggest Titanic fan but I have to applaud your work ethic you guys are second to none in the reaction game. Every sub you get you deserve I wish you both future success in everything. you have brought me so much happiness over the last 6 months. Thank you. GOAT

Rio Mendoza

The beginning of this video is gold. i was rollin. Popcorn gate haha

Andi Szilagyi

The actor that played captain of the Titanic was also Theoden in LotR! I haven't watched this movie in forever though might have to do it in parts. Long ass mfer.


Lol you both crack me up - If you want a job done well? Let a woman do it I'm looking forward to the rest of this lol but, thank you guys for a Saturday night smile!


James Cameron recorded the real footage of the Titanic from the submersible for the movie. Everything else was filmed in a replica of the ship and in a giant pool.

Mary Merry Berry

Y’all and that popcorn is the cutest thing ever! I’m so excited to watch with you guys.

Robert Lees

Blows my mind that some people actually think the Titanic wreckage is now some conspiracy, since that Titan sub imploded and was destroyed.

Marc Cephas

I’m a need the VIP guys to suggest the Matrix trilogy


BJ? You were close regarding the Titanic's name by the way! The Titanic was the second of what was intended to be three sister ships: Olympic, Titanic and Gigantic. And the “Unsinkable Ship” and the “Wonder Ship.'' were Titanic's Nicknames. Well tbf? People were wondering how the Titanic sank For decades, so.... So sad, all those lives lost, it must've been terrifying

Robert Lees

Titanic departed from Southampton, England. The anchors were made just 1 mile from where i`m living, drive past the replica daily

Rio Mendoza

I think you need to learn to ignore that kind of dumbness. I dont give people the time of day when they start talking stupid to me.

SwO Beatz

Asia: "That's how you made me feel when I met you, free" Needless to say .. that was romantic AF!! I promise I'm not crying.. sumn stuck in my eye

Patty Estrada

Guess I’m staying in today, totally don’t mind though…it’s hot as hell out there 😒. This is one of my favorite go to movies! I was so obsessed with the Titanic when I was younger. Also, the wardrobe/costumes, the sets, and the score by James Horner are amazing. Just as an FYI…James Cameron (the director) was the one actually drawing Rose’s picture. The underwater footage you see of the Titanic wreckage is real. James Cameron did many dives to the wreckage to capture the Titanic authentically. Asia, he’s actually one of the big directors, I’m sure you’ve seen plenty of his movies (“Avatar” “The Terminator” “Aliens” “True Lies”, etc.). The characters of Jack and Rose are fictional. But the wealthy socialites that Rose pointed out to Jack (including Molly Brown) were real. So were the crew members and that band that played during the sinking. The old couple you see in bed during the sinking are Ida and Isidor Strauss, the owners of Macys. She decided not to get on a boat and stay with him, as they had already lived a long a happy life. Y’all that popcorn situation at the beginning 😂, that’s why there’re a popcorn button on the microwave. This was a great reaction, I felt like I was watching the movie for the first time again.

Jacob Burkard

I remember in my childhood having a microwave with a popcorn button that actually made perfect popcorn… haven’t found one since😩😂


Am I missing something here? I was talking about how James Cameron filmed the movie. Some footage of the wreckage is real and other footage was shot in a replica.

Awilda Luciano

Y’all are too cute and hilarious, i don’t like crunchety popcorn lol

JJ Carlisle

I think I would just watch more of stuff like yalls popcorn conversation. Lol

JJ Carlisle

Sorry Asia ...much love and all but I'm on team BJ on the popcorn. #makeyourown lol


I've been requesting this in the comments. Can't wait to watch it

Charlotte Drolet

Who? I haven't heard anything. Might be the company you keep. Not to mention your name is sus af! 🤣🤣🤣🤣☠️


Excited to see this one pop up! The technical achievement in this film was incredible. If you have time, check out Ghosts of the Abyss. It’s a documentary about James Cameron’s dives down to the wreck.

Charlotte Drolet

This is a needed debate! IMO the popcorn is best with just a slight tinge in the mid. Gotta go with BJ on this one Asia. Besides didn't you hear him say it was Seasoned to Perfection?!?

Charlotte Drolet

I agree. It is a conversation. The great popcorn debate! I say you need a few slightly browned. Just adds flavor.

k p

Team BJ

Pink Martini AZ

Hooo boy. You picked a winner here. Even though I’ve seen this a billion times, I still appreciate how excellent this film is and I still get eye leakage. I can still remember Seeing this on the big screen in the theatre with the big sound and it was amazing. Hard to believe this flick is this old now. They say the band really did play all the way to the end. God bless all of those lost. Nicely done you two.


How 'd you like your popcorn? BJ "Well done"

Shuntrice Hayes

I love this movie was crying too. My grandma had vhs two tapes we use watch it all the time but been years since I re-watch it.


As someone said Popcorn Gate was hilarious! ahaha you guys are the best!!

Mer Kitten

Rose narrating: "We headed out from the coast of Ireland, nothing ahead but blue water". BJ : "maybe they were leaving Ireland?" Asia "i dunno" *both look perplexed* I cant with you two sometimes 😄 yes, they were leaving Ireland, as Rose's voiceover says clearly :)


1:34 in my Microwave 👏🏼👏🏼😂

Steve Macaluso

2 min in microwave too lol

Darth Brooks

Yup they do. Once a month, I been hoping for a Me, Myself and Irene VIP request. I've asked for it several times since October last year 😂

Darth Brooks

Microwave a cup of water for 30 seconds take that out and do your popcorn for 1:30. Once the popping slows down count to 4, if you can make to 4 before another pop it's done. Anywho, Imma dive in hope everyone had a great day✌️❤️

Rose Dallman

James Cameron wrote and directed the movie. He has made 30 trips to the Titanic wreck, the under-water scenes were filmed by him at the site.. Rose and Jack were fictional characters created by Cameron and his co-writer. Most of the other characters were based on real people. Love that you reviewed this movie and liked it so much! A wonderful surprise on a Saturday afternoon. Popcorn Wars was funny; BJ was digging himself into a deep hole. LOL

Miss Gigglebox

This movie is in my top 5 favorite movies. It doesn't matter how many times I've seen it, I always bawl my eyes out. My great-great grandparents took a ship from Wales England in 1901 to Ellis Island in New York (that's where the immigrants would sail to in order to become citizens) and I am very thankful they weren't on this ship instead. I am currently reading a book called "Titanic Voices" which is nothing but stories from survivors and what they experienced that horrific night. Just to read their stories breaks my heart. If you ever get a chance to go to a Titanic Museum, I highly recommend it. There is something about seeing artifacts with your own eyes to really appreciate it. May all those who lost their lives that night rest in peace. Also, the submersible that imploded recently, the wife of the CEO who died had family on the Titanic. They were the Strausses. They were the ones who were laying in their bed at the end holding one another.


Who's chopping them damn onions?

Larry Smith

Jack and Rose were fictional characters. The technical information dealing with the ship and the time line are correct. They wanted to have people that the viewers would become invested in to move the story of the last night along.

Wayne Carter

I saw this I’m theatres when it came out. So Asia and I are close to the same age lol. I was like 11 and my uncle took us over Christmas break. this was right before my dad passed away in 98. This reminds me of my last bits of actual childhood. Thank you for watching this. Also, I love watching stuff with y’all. It’s like watching with my cousins from down south lol. I’m from Philly.

Wayne Carter

The opening debate was too cute! I love seeing folks like me in love.

Singing Wordwright

I'm with you on the popcorn, BJ. I like mine just a little bit closer to overdone than most people.


My dad was an awesome story teller... So was his dad ... They were special for sure... I told some of the things my dad did to my daughter but it don't sink in with kids today ... It's like the ties that bind families are dwindling ... Sad

rachel pelfrey

To add perspective . . .I know the mother is overbearing. The ugly truth was high born women could be born into wealth and status but that didn't follow them through life. England didn't allow female inheritance. Women HAD to find a husband or lodging with a more well off relative. There was no welfare or government housing or equal opportunities. A nobile woman whose husband lost all their money could end up literally on the street. No phone to call 911, rats everywhere, disease everywhere. Her best hope was a good marriage or a generous relative. She's not evil or cruel. She was trying to help them survive and in those days that was a difficult, delicate task. It's easy in romantic films to overlook that harsh reality ❤️❤️ you guys were the reason I got Patreon btw 😆 love your reactions

Steve Macaluso

She was a little selfish she should want what’s best for her daughter and not her self, and her daughter wasn’t happy with that life style to the point she wanted to off her self

rachel pelfrey

Yes of course. All I'm saying is life is complex and intricate. Easy to say she should let her go and do her thing. In those days it could have serious and dire consequences. It worked out for Rose here, but in many cases where young women broke free it did not end well. When you have to make the million dollar decision as a mother it's not as easy as saying ah well this is what she wants I'm sure she'll be fine. Add to that the mother didn't know she wanted to off herself. Rose didn't tell anyone. That's all. Many people in history are painted as villains but life was hard dirty ugly disease ridden utterly unjust. Things were not black or white

Jill Gehrke

Yes!!! Shout out to Victor!!!


Great comments. Sums up everything I wanted to say perfectly 😊

Andrew Clifton

U smoking something Asia lol. Popcorn must be cooked longer. In my microwave I cook it for 3 minutes. Nice amd crunchy and just the slightest burn taste lol. I got you BJ.

Darth Brooks

Much like Asia I hadn't seen this since VHS. That being said Bill Burr was right, it's not romantic it's a horror movie. Kidding aside, beautiful movie and beautiful reaction.


Great movie, and the way you were both emotionally involved really got to me. Well done - just like 🍿 should be (sorry Asia!)

TinCan Cosmanaut

I just started I dunno what you say at the end, by why she throw that diamond overboard. That’s like nba contract money, that will support your kids for a lifetime. Other than that. Pretty fantastic movie


Funny how all the women think this movie is romantic, and all the men think it's a f-in horror film

Ron Shimon

This was an incredible movie. I still got choked up again. Interesting fact. I believe that if the Titanic would have hit the iceberg straight on it would have not sunk. But the iceberg rip the side filling the compartments. This was a perfect watch. Jack and Rose were fictional characters. The rest of the story of the Titanic was real

Singing Wordwright

This movie never fails to captivate even the most skeptical watcher. It was the first movie that my son ever sat still for the entire way through. And that final scene never fails to stab me right in the heart, because as you may have noticed, everyone in that final scene where Jack and Rose were reunited died on the Titantic. The orchestral score for that scene was called "A Promise Kept", because Rose promised Jack she would die an old woman, warm in her bed. So what you are seeing there is Rose passing on the night she went back to Titanic.

Bella H

The popcorn saga at the start, loved it! Asia was looking at BJ like, we gonna have words later 🤣

Julie A

I’m with Asia re: the popcorn. I can’t stand when it is overcooked. Having said that, the time it takes to pop depends on the wattage of your microwave.


I remember going to the cinema to watch this with my sister. I could not get over the sound, from the water rushing through the passages to the eerie silence in the water when that one boat came back. On a lighter note - 56 carats could feed 100 rabbits had me rolling BJ 😅


One crazy thing about the wreckage is the shoes. There are pairs of shoes where people used to be but the shoes are all that's left.


It was so funny watching you argue in the first 5 mins. xD Such a beautiful movie. And yes, Jacques Cousteau is a great French explorer, book writer and movie maker. A very interesting person to know about to be honest. :)

Ciarra Jade

Thank you for watching this 🙏.. it’s been atleast 15 years since I last saw titanic , I forgot how much this movie made me cry 😭

Carl 🐉

BJ burnt that popcorn on purpose so he didn’t have to share…🍿🔥💨😆

Carl 🐉

You need to watch Catch Me If You Can. Leonardo DiCaprio did a great job of portraying counterfeiter Frank Abagnale in this movie, which was based on a true story. It was one of the movies on the list of recommendations I sent you of movies based on real life events.

Brandon Wheeler

Yo simple stuff be the hardest. I remember mines cooked a steak wrong and was good. Smiled and chewed and chewed through it. I lost my stuff on ramen noodles one day smh 60 cents just kept talking about it lol I get it lol

Brandon Wheeler

You can hear the crunch! Lmao it’s not extra crispy lol


Love your reaction. This movie is so heartbreaking, but the love story so true and beautiful. I watched it at the movies in 97, when I was 10 years old. I was a bit too young to understand some parts, but it still got me - and the sinking part was terrifying. I've seen it since as a grown up - but it's been many years now. I'm glad I could see it again with you guys. Titanic is one of the best romance of all time. <3


Is it wrong that every time I watch this movie I skip straight to the action? That’s wrong isn’t it? 😬

Michele G

I went to the theater to see this, new years eve 1997 with my best friend. I was sick with a cold so we didn’t feel like going to the club for new years so we went and saw this. I cried practically the last 2 hours of the movie. Coughing and snotty and blubbery. My best friend still makes fun of me to this day 😂 joking of course. It’s a fun memory. I absolutely love this movie. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it. Also, your reaction made me tear up. I may have to watch it again 😉 you guys make me smile ❤️ 🚢❤️

Rio Mendoza

Bro its was 1912 i dont think you understand how women were treated and the limited choices they had rich or not.

Rio Mendoza

I dont consider it a romance James Cameron doesnt do romance this is an action/thriller in disguise. The first half of this film is rubbish totally unbelievable and very cringe it gets good once they hit the iceberg. If you cut the first half of the film its still an awesome movie because this really happened well not the love story thats B.S. but everything else did. The first half is paint by numbers the second half is pretty amazing.


This was the best reaction from you guys, period.


😆 I can't with you two. Barely into the popcorn debate and laughing my ass off *p.s. I'm with you Asia. I say, two bowls of popcorn to each of your taste. Lol

Donna Bannister

💯❤️ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! Everything about this was simply WONDERFUL!!!❤️💯 The best reaction...🥹😍thankyou!!!

Elle E.

awww not ya'll bickering at the beginning lol THEN being so lovey dovey & cute @1:34:12 ❤️❤️❤️


It says something about ya but I don't think it's wrong, necessarily 😄


Titanic was actually in the news recently… not sure if anyone noticed


13:27 "Popcorn taste a lil burnt" - Bj😂😂😂


The Basketball Diaries has no reactions as far as I can tell. Damn shame.

Mike the Ginger

I saw this four times in theaters back in 1997/1998. I was about 9/10 years old. I remember after the Captain says "I believe you may get your headlines, Mr. Ismay" the screen went black and then the lights came on for intermission. Intermissions are almost unheard of nowadays in films.


Definitely not all, for men nor women. It's a tragedy movie with a romance story mixed in. 😕

Kristin Kanan

I’ve got some trivia for you. I worked at Fox Films and on this film during the negotiations. When it was in development, it was called “Ice Age” because Jim Cameron didn’t want anyone to know what he was working on. When “Ice Age”, the animated film was in development (also at Fox) it a little confusing when filing contracts, etc. I thought that was a funny coincidence. Also, the budget went so over, Fox had to bring in another studio (Paramount) to share the costs. I’m looking forward to watching your reaction later tonight. ☺️


That was a wonderful time you guys 🥰 great reaction! Please do “The Quick and The Dead” for us Asia lol for us who had the crush on Leo lol also it’s a great film and P.S, we need to hear Asia’s cover of that song 🙏🏻 Patreon live concert? Lol 😎

Ross Johnston

Asia and BJ, I'm at the 1 hr 34 min mark, Jack and Rose at the front of the ship...she is free. I loved that reaction moment between you and BJ. You got teary eyed and I instantly got teary eyed. Reminded me of the Steel Magnolias moment when Truvy (Dolly Parton) says "nobody cries alone in my presence." Same here...I wear my heart on my sleeve and love y'alls reaction videos...very real, honest and sharing. I enjoy more than just the reaction videos. I feel like fam with y'all...sitting on the couch, watching movies, chillin'. It's a pleasure and thank you! Now...back to the movie!! 🥰

Amber Yousef

All three of these movies are great suggestions. Great reaction guys 🙋🏻‍♀️👍🏼🙌🏼👏🏼💜🇨🇦


13:27 (as EJ noticed) BJ goes "Popcorn tastes a little burnt.." lmao

Ross Johnston

Oh, geez…I just finished watching it with y’all and so fun and emotional to watch this again. 😢😀 mixed emotions!

Bill William

At 2:19:28-29 you can see an extremely brief flash of light in the far distant background behind the lifeboat at the bow of the ship immediately after Molly says ''Well, that's something you don't see every day.'' That flash of light is the SS Californian; which was only 15 miles away. Earlier during the initial collision with the iceberg, Titanic put out a distress signal which the Californian ignored. It's a mystery why to this very day. Also, the Californian's radio operator saw the flares going off from the Titanic and mentioned it to the Captain, who disagreed; so they never went to Titanic's rescue. After all, Titanic wasn't all alone in the middle of the Atlantic. Makes it so much more Heartbreaking imo. Great reaction btw guys. You two seem like such amazingly sweet, nice, pleasant people. And a perfect couple too! :)

Cody Jado

Told y'all I would become a patreon member on Monday for stranger things XD. I'm here, brand new. This is about to be my first watch with you guys!

JL Green

You two nearly got me in trouble because for the first couple of minutes the popcorn dilemma had me holding back from laughing out loud (to the point of tears) 🤣. Lesson learned, I will try to wait until I'm home to watch future shows.


They don't read/care mate. They don't know what you said, and they already forgot this. Are you guys all mental? Like, do you imagine these guys being your friends? Are you american by any chance?

Cody Jado

What’s with the hostility? Bad day at work? There’s always tomorrow man! Tomorrows going to be good day, trust.

Pink Martini AZ

There are not a ton of westerns that I like but I do like that film. I always loved Russell Crowe.


Yes I love westerns when they’re done well and this is one of them imho 😻🙌🏻

Ryan Ellison

Can I recommend "Quills" as another movie you could potentially react too? It also has Kate Winslet in it, along with Joaquin Phoenix. It is so good and gritty, and Ioved it, and I haven't seen anyone on YT reacting to it. I think ya'll would love it too! Peace and Blessings!

Kyle Komperda

End of movie is rose passing away and meeting up with all the others who were lost at sea

Alex Lee

When Jack said he saw it at a Nickleoden once, a Nickleodeon was a theatre (odeon) that would cost a nickel for entry.


Let's be real. He was a colossal asshole. But he was not a coward to use a child to get on the boat. He was literally fighting a corrupt sexist system. Fuck sexism, even if it's glorified with men. I'm not dying for you rich perfumed ass because somenone told you that you are special for being born. This is my favorite movie of all time. It's so important. But it's sexism against men, which is even taboo to mention. The class dividation is much more popular because men are trained to accept their life is worthless. Hence the suicides. Which you probably didn't know.

Bud Light Girl

Lordy Meerce, Intense much. How about relax & enjoy the show. And no there isent enough time to read them all but I'm sure they do some, especially their polls and that's how they hear what the people request lol 🤷

Wendy Garner

Oh wow, a political lesson asserted while watching a movie based on a tragedy that occurred over a hundred years ago. I agree with you that it is a sexist/classist policy but where you lose me is defending a sociopathic idiot who not only has zero respect for anyone he deems beneath his station, but slaps Rose around and attempts to control every aspect of Rose's thoughts, actions, and behavior as an extension of his "rights." I'm not sure if you've ever been on a cruise, but no such policy exists today, it's unnecessary because now they put enough fucking life-boats on the ship here in the 21st century. I have two sons, 24 and 15, and I am absolutely appalled at the hatred spewed towards young men in society as of late. The attack on masculinity has gone off the rails, masculinity is necessary, natural, and to be quite frank, my absolute favorite thing about men in general, that they aren't women. But your argument about this archaic policy as a current example of sexist treatment of men is as idiotic as the feminist movement's claim that the historical existence of a patriarchal society somehow proves they are still suffering and being subjected to it's treatment today. EVERYBODY needs to wake the fuck up and stop living in the past or we'll never be able to move forward together. Young men aren't killing themselves today because they boarded women and children first on the Titanic in 1912, sir. The classiest disparities still exist currently, however, and I would argue that the limited freedom of mobility it imposes is a far greater contributor to young mens' mental health and feeling they aren't valued. But instead the feminist movement has become less about promoting women and more about hating men for historical wrongs that have been corrected. And in turn male rage, lack of respect for females, and an overall hatred towards women has led to lower marriage rate, birthrate, and a general sense of despair in the absence of the one major thing that has provided meaning, joy, and purpose to men's lives historically, a loving relationship with the opposite sex, children, and the creation of a peaceful home. It's just another way to keep us all separated into our groups while the elites change the narrative about what is actually at fault for societal ills. They're like magicians using slight of hand and misdirection to create the illusions they want us to invest in. We all have to do better.


How about The Poseidon Adventure?


Another James Camerons is The Abyss. Made before Titanic, and excellent movie on its own

Kimo Tune

Really? I thought maybe she was asleep. But that makes sense because Jack said she will die an old lady warm in her bed. Wow. Made a grown man shed drop 🥲

Greg Hoenig

RIP Bill Paxton; completely forgot he was in this. Great movie!

Dan Gershgol

This movie was the blockbuster of blockbusters. You would have to be living under a rock to get away from the parodies that came from this movie being so widely popular. I feel you would love The Poseidon Adventure from 1972. Dont bother with the remake. The original is amazing. A fantastic thriller disaster movie.

Michele Perez

In the movie, the ship sank in the exact time that it took for the Titanic to sink. And it’s true the musicians never attempted to leave the ship. They played until they to perished.

Crystal M Tonn

I saw this in theaters when it came out 11 times. Still to this day, every time I rewatch it, I still get just as emotional as I did the first time and sob like a baby. Such an epically terrific film. FYI the footage of ship on the ocean floor is real footage of the Titanic. James Cameron the director has gone on several expeditions to the Titanic and all the footage was filmed by him. The characters of Rose and Jack were made up. But the rest of the details were tried and true.


Thanks, Sandi :) It’d be a great movie to react to.

Cynthia M Farrington

I toured the house of Molly Brown in Denver Colorado. It was very interesting. Her husband struck it rich in silver mining, but they were always looked down on by the upper class people because it was new money. They had no heritage to give them status.

Cynthia M Farrington

I don’t think Jack or Rose were real people. That part was pure fiction.


I think so too, Cynthia... I was so wrong about that part! They were made up characters.


James Cameron has actually been down to Titanic like over 30 times or something. He has an hour long doc on Disney+ where he takes a sub down and revisits Titanic - I think it was made as a 20 year anniversary special since Titanic’s release. It’s really cool to see all that footage. He has also built his own sub and gone down to the deepest part of the ocean. He’s done it the “right” way though and never went down with the OceanGate company or anything like that. There are pictures of James Cameron’s submarine versus the Titan and the difference is incredible.


I was 19 when this came out and saw this movie 3 times in the theater, countless times at friend’s houses. I think I might’ve seen it twice the weekend it came out. It’s difficult to overstate how massive this movie was back then. I haven’t seen it in many years and am enjoying this flashback. I love this movie, but I especially enjoy revisiting it because the costumes and set design are so beautiful. And Kate Winslet’s wardrobe was absolutely impeccable—that outfit she comes out of the car in when we first see her? And the hat? Iconic. I remember though that some critics were absolutely terrible to her—a lot of people considered her “fat” in this role. It was the 90s, and “heroin chic” waif thinness was in. All that criticism of her stuck with me because she and I were the exact same size at the time and only a few years apart in age. Obviously, you look back at this movie and it seems crazy that anyone would criticize her looks; she was (is) absolutely stunning. But it was a big deal back then. ETA: Unlike in the movie, there was no moon the night the Titanic sank. So not only was the water so still you couldn’t see icebergs well, they were in the middle of the ocean and the only light was from lamps inside the ship.


What loses me is someone thinking a simple movie reaction is the appropriate place to vent her political diatribe.


It works now. Hope all is well you two . *hugs* ❤️❤️🙂

Michael PAX

Hey guys, this particular film will not cast.

Michael PAX

All good now. 👍👊

Michael PAX

Oh yeah, you can't put popcorn in there for 2 minutes! 😂

Dan Gonya

Ya know, if Rose had kept her dumb ass on the lifeboat, maybe Jack would have had a chance to save himself on a big floating door or something. 😑