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Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban


Rio Mendoza

YEEEEESSSSS lets go. Thank you so much. I hope you guys love it as much i do. Love the shirts so glad yall are getting into the spirit.

Joanie Archetto

This one just might be my favorite HP movie. Thanks, guys!!!!!!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-28 00:53:25 Asia & Bj always come through.
2023-06-27 22:53:14 Asia & Bj always come through.

Asia & Bj always come through.


Thanks so much!!🙌🏼

Darth Brooks

Sopranos and some HP on the docket tonight! Hope everyone is having a blessed Tuesday, stay cool in this heatwave.✌❤ A&B fam!


This one and "The Deathly hallows part 1" are my favorites. I feel like the 3rd movie really change the mood and makes it more Dark, more mature.


Awe man. I just saw this notification but I’m stuck in traffic right now and I can’t get home soon enough. I need a triple decker, invisible bus that can squeeeeze between the two trucks in front of me. Or better yet. The Firebolt broomstick yo. Yeah man. I’ll just hit the air flying and leave my 🚗 behind. 🧹⏩️💨


I literally cant keep up with how much content you guys put out. you guys are the best.

Jesse McAdams

This is under TV reactions.

Rio Mendoza

52:00 minutes in and im so glad you guys are having fun with this one. You really have immersed yourselves into this world. Its only gonna get better and more grand. This world is so much fun so glad that im here for you guys to experience it for the first time.

Lina Distadio

Yes! It's one of those series that builds a world and an experience for the viewers in a way that not many movie series can.

the raven

I wouldn't have canceled if you would have done more of these sooner


Yessss! This notification put a smile on my face.

Rio Mendoza

You have to remember not everyone here is a fan of HP they try to please as many people as possible. They upload a ton of content they also have lives outside of this, children even. So for me when they get to it is just fine with me. I know they will so its no big deal. And the waiting makes it more special when they do upload the video you have been waiting for. Hopefully you will stick around and enjoy the rest of the series with us all.

the raven

I have been a fan of theirs for years. Mostly music reactions. I have had to let many things go since my job went without work till harvest. The TV shows that at posted I don't like or care for. If this searies didn't take so long to be reacted to I would have never canceled. On patron that they show this is the only movies I currently like


Not sure if you thought of it at the time but the Time Turner, the thing that makes time travel a thing in this universe, was what I was going to bring up during our Discord call lol


Butterbeer....frozen is very good! Maybe buy one and everyone in your family takes big sip?


I was going through a hell and dark sh*t I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemies.(most people do at times) This series saved my @ss. It was one thing I could look forward too after an extremely long and hard day while all this other torturous life stuff was going on. It helped release a pressure valve because it was so entertaining. Chalk it up to brilliant and creative writing combined with some of worlds best in the film industry. (Artists, producers, actors , musicians etc..) I don’t know how many times I rewatched through that period. Very grateful for the whole experience now.


Buckbeak was a hippogriff. Nice to hear about your vacation to Universal. Maybe it's time to take the online quiz to see what houses you would be placed in.

Mary Merry Berry

Oh! I’m so glad you talked about the theme park. I haven’t been but everyone says it’s really fun! I had spied your blanket in an earlier reaction and it was on the reverse side that has the little crests and Alumni printed all over it and I was trying to figure out what college it was from 😂. I think this one and the next one are my favorites. The animal is called a hippogriff. The map was originally created by Harry’s Father James and his three best friends when they were at Hogwarts. Mooney is Lupin (werewolf) Padfoot is Serious Black (he can transform to a dog) Wormtail was Peter (could turn into a rat) and Prongs was James because his Petronius was a stage with lots of antler points.

Rhonda Turner

This has always been one of my favorites (both movie and book), but, honestly, they just get better and better from here. I can't wait to share the rest of the story with you guys! Thank you, as always- I love hanging out with the two of you!

Andrew Nyberg

You are totally missing out on the Butterbeer. Its butterscotch soda is the best way to describe it. Its delicious!

Andrew Nyberg

They def need to know their houses. WizardingWorld.com easy peasy Im a cross between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Ive gotten both on there.


Okay y'all but we have to know what house you've been sorted into. I'm proudly a 'Puff, I'm all about kindness and acceptance. Great reaction to my favorite of the Potter films.

Andi Szilagyi

Just noting for you guys, the actor that played Sirius Black also played Commissioner Gordon in Batman.


HufflePuff here! taking the quiz is really fun def recommend even if youre not a super huge follower of the series

Marc Cephas

Fun fact: if you have a iPhone and say Siri Lumous maximus the light comes on and the magic word to turn it off is nox. The movie didn’t tell you the backstory but Harry father James was best friends with Sirius before school then Remus and Peter joined in and they called themselves the Marauders. They figured out Remus was a werewolf and illegally studied to be an animagus (turn into animal) to be able to tame Remus and explore around hogwarts, they also created that map


From here on out the movies keep getting better and better, can't wait to see your reactions to the other movies

Dan Gershgol

This is my favorite of the series. Has alot of heart. Sirius Black plays a bigger role in later movies. I love his character.


This is objectively the best made film in the series as far as filmmaking goes.

Karl Kraus

The movies and characters get more fun as we move along but at the same time, tragic and dark My favorite recurring characters here are Lupin and Sirius, after the Weasleys of course, especially Lupin He feels like a strand of Harry's past that Harry can cling to, since he knew Harry's parents He was the best teacher ever in Harry's time at school It was a shame to see him go on his own decision because of the controversy of him being a werewolf Buckbeak is a HIPPOGRIFF, half eagle and half horse. Majestic creatures The building called the Shrieking Shack is named that because it comes from the noises heard coming from there while Lupin was transforming into his werewolf form The process is EXTREMELY painful as you saw in the movie Lupin was bitten by another werewolf as a kid and has suffered from the condition ever since There is no cure for it Harry did get formal permission to visit Hogsmeade in the book because Sirius signed another copy of that form, being Harry's godfather Sirius also sent him that Firebolt broomstick because that feather is from Buckbeak

Karl Kraus

Now, let's get back into Star Wars with Episode ll: Attack of the Clones please!

Carl 🐉

So glad this one won the poll although number 4 is actually my favorite. As I said before, when you watch the movies, you’re only getting about 65 to 70% of the story as opposed to reading the books. One thing the movie did not explain was who made the marauders map. James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. We’re all friends when they attended Hogwarts in the mid-70s. Moony is Professor Lupin the werewolf. Wormtail is Peter Pettigrew, who can change into a rat. Sirius Black is Padfoot, because he can change into a dog. And James Potter was prongs who could change into a stag. They all learned how to change into various animals to keep Remus Lupin in check during a full moon, when he changed into a werewolf.

Jason C

Only fitting that you guys would upload this on my birthday! Wasn't able to check it out yesterday on account of me being with some family, but I'm glad I'm able to see it today! I'll take it as an accidental bday present 😂 But yeah, we can go on ahead and take HP out the polls because y'all in this for the longrun now lol y'all suited up in HP attire so it's official, we're watching the next 4 films 😂

Pink Martini AZ

I LOVE the shirts and the blanket! As soon as you started saying you went to the park, my first question I was going to ask was if you all tried the Butterbeer. As soon as you said you didn’t try it I was like awww man! LOL. It’s yummy, but sweet. If you don’t like real sweet drinks it may be a bit much. It’s supposed to be like a butterscotch cream soda. Sirius Black is one of my favorite characters. Can’t wait for the next reaction!

Lina Distadio

Yes, my friend did remind me though that you have to enunciate super clearly or she won't do it. The command is Lumos maxima but you gotta hit the "maxima" part of lumos maxima extra hard for some reason for her to register it on a lot of the iPhone models lol

Lina Distadio

The version with liquor in it definitely makes the sweetness a little more palatable, for me. The booze cuts through the sugar pretty nicely It's not that it's any less sweet with liquor in it but it just tastes less overwhelmingly sugary to me...plus with liquor in after two of them you don't care what the hell it tastes like lol


I'm so enjoying watching you guys experience these for the first time! I think it would be really fun if you did a quick video to find out which Hogwarts house you each would be sorted into (since you now have some merch!) The houses are based on personality and it's pretty accurate. The official test is on the WizardingWorld site.


my guess is Asia will be Hufflepuff and BJ Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.

Wendy Garner

Great reaction guys! Can't wait for the next one. . . It's even better than the last one, IMO! It's amazing how much better the effects get with every movie!


The next one is my favorite one.

Alex Lee

Not a spoiler: The names on the map, Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are Lupin (Werewolf), Pettigrew (Rat), Sirius (Dog) and James (Stag).


...and now...it starts to get dark.

Lina Distadio

FACTS. It all goes downhill from here (for our characters and what they experience/what is happening in their world, not the quality of the films).


My favorite Potter movie!


I'm watching this and catching up with you guys while out catching catfish overnight on my boat in the Chesapeake bay.

Nick Thousan

When are y'all dropping part 4?

rachel pelfrey

I hope you guys continue this series :)

Brian Clancy

Y’all gotta continue this, the next movies are some of the best movies ever


HOLY crap. I just noticed something at 51:00 when Lupin intercepts Harry's dementor! [SPOILER, sorry trying to hide it but unable to on here] for anyone who might just be catching up and binging like I am.. The shape that forms as Lupin's fear is the full moon. That's actually really clever film making considering his secret.