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Hi Asia and BJ, I'm a new patron and enjoying going back and watching your reactions. I like that you spend time after the move to break in down. Not all reactors do that and I appreciate that. Wyatt Earp is a well known lawman of that time who had made a reputation for himself, which is why everyone had heard of him when he and his brothers first arrived in Tombstone and why the Mayor and Marshall kept asking him to be a lawman again, but he kept turning them down saying he was retired. If I remember correctly, he had planned for Vigil and Morgan to join him in starting a new life in Tombstone, but you see how well that went. I love Val Kilmer's performance as Doc Holliday in this movie. He was brilliant. The cowboy, Johnny Ringo, who did the gun tricks and said "It smells like someone died" after Morgan was killed was played by Michael Biehn. He also played Kyle Reese in the first Terminator movie as Sarah Conner's protector and ultimately the father of John Conner. Michael Biehn was also "Hicks" in Aliens. I also love the scene when Ringo was waiting for Wyatt, but Doc showed up instead. Ringo knew he could beat Wyatt in a gun fight, but not Doc, which was why he was trying to get out of it by saying he was just fooling about. I also love that Doc knew Wyatt wouldn't win and pretended to be more sick than he actually was so he could meet Ringo himself to save his friend, Wyatt. The look on Ringo's face when he realized it was Doc and not Wyatt was priceless and Doc said "I'm your Huckleberry" The man that was dragged behind the horse, McMasters, was one of the cowboys who gave up their red sashes after they went after the women and they said they don't agree with that and told Wyatt that they'd be with him if he needed their help.

David Croft-Ogawa

Please check out another amazing western, “Unforgiven.”

Potato Jones

How beautiful is that scene where Doc Holiday passes? It reminds me how important it is to keep your friends and to always try to be there for them.


Hey, I know y’all reacted to this a month ago but essentially what Curly Bill got high off of and what Maddie was drinking were the same thing. He was smoking opium and she was drinking a mixture of opium and alcohol or water called Laudanum. Opium comes from a poppy plant. It start being prescribed in the mid 1800’s and was used for EVERYTHING from pain to sleeplessness. They didn’t know about opiates yet so a lot of people were addicted like Maddie. The same thing happened in the early 1900’s when cocaine was used as a pick me up and an ingredient in Coca-Cola. Yep, people were drinking it.