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Dexter New Blood S1.E1 and E2


Carol Rocha

I thought you weren’t doing Dexter?

Tiffany Lemke

Yayyy!! I was someone who loved Dexter, all the characters even though I didn’t lovvve the last few seasons. Nothing can top the first four, but why do I feel like Dexter is like my cousin who just does a little killing on the side haha. Never thought I’d root for a murderer. That’s Dexter though lol when this came out it has been YEARS since the last time I watched Dexter and I’m so glad you guys get to watch it close to when you finished the show. Eight years, look how big our little Harrison is lol I think you guys are gonna really like it!

Tiffany Lemke

Also Asia, you were 1000% correct it’s only fair if you did the prequel for GOT you gotta do the sequel for Dexter. 😂 When you said I didn’t wanna watch this cause Deb won’t be in it I was like yup, this is great.

Dyana Reid-Draeger

Notice Dexter didn't have any inner monologue until he decided to kill that guy.

Dyana Reid-Draeger

Also, I don't know if you noticed the voice of the trucker that dropped Harrison off, but that was the actor that played Dokes.

Annie Bonz

wow I've watched this all the way through two or three times and never noticed that! Thanks! This is why I love re watching with others!