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Hey fam!

Here's a little update about me and what's going on.

First off, I want to preface with saying that I'm okay.  I'm just really tired.

There's been a lot of things going wrong, and a lot of hard work gone to waste. My backlog is longer than I would like to admit. Constant tech issues and contracted work has eaten up a lot of my time.

I haven't had the energy to make the streams as special as I want them to be, nor to stream as often. Likewise, social media has been hard to keep up with. As a result my livelyhood is taking a hit, which is rough, but I try not to think about it too much.

I also didn't have access to my PC for the week I had set aside to catch up, and had to pay a large bill replacing what was supposed to be under warranty.  The less I say about that repair shop, the better.

Patreon changes:
-For now, there is no time to do the exclusive streams.
-There will be fewer posts in general.

I will update my patreon tiers very soon to reflect this.

Also, for anyone who wonders what happened to the Jackbox hangout that was meant to take place last Friday, I was exhausted and I simply forgot. I'm really sorry about that! It has never happened to me before, so I'm very surprised. I take it as a sign that I need to rest more.

The new Jackbox hangout for T2+ will take place on Discord next sunday, please look forward to it!

I'm running into some issues with getting my music finished within the timeframe I wanted it to.
I refuse to release songs that sound sub-par, and they really do take a long time to make.

All and all, I'm tired and I have a lot to catch up with, so my content will be a bit shaky for a while. I really appreciate you helping me afford a roof over my head during these harder times. It means the world to me!

Much love,



I hope things calm down a little for you soon, Yamyam. *insert hug here*