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Hey fam!

This is a new sort of video I wanted to make. Let me know if you like it


On feelings of being worth less than others

A new kind of video I wanted to make! Let me know if you like it!



Hey, I assume this is the unedited version? I'm only a few minutes in, but I love the idea and think you're doing a great thing by making this


It's supposed to be very light on editing, since it's more of a genuine talk video that anything else. Maybe I can do some editing, though


Ah, okay. I just noticed in the beginning that there is a pause with some clicking between attempts at rewording a sentence. I would maybe clean that up slightly, but I'm enjoying the video so far. I'll finish watching it tonight :D


OH HECK! I forgot to delete the clicks. Must have been sleepy brain >.<


Ah, okay, haha. I hope you get some much deserved rest tonight :)