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The most interesting and unpredictable platform is YouTube, at the very least, in my opinion.

I've studied the platform for two months now, and it appears you're very much left to the mercy algorithm.

The two deciding factors for a video to go somewhere are:

  • average watch time per user
  • average click

rate (4% is average)

Youtube decides themselves where to send your video, and it will stop recommending it when the users stop clicking or watching the video through.

Sure thing, not unreasonable. It sounds great on paper, even. However, it's very often that the algorithm suddenly starts sending it to the wrong people and punish you by immediately stopping the video from being recommended the same minute.

Here's a good example from my last video.

It's quite the conundrum. I really do enjoy making Youtube content, so I'll keep doing my best to figure this out!

Much love,



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