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Without further ado, I would like to introduce my colorist, KadoHusky!

I'm gonna let him tell you a little about himself, but I think the artwork above will also speak volumes. I'm so excited to be working with such a talented artist, and I really look forward to seeing what we can accomplish!

Hey there!  I’m KadoHusky, Tsaiwolf’s new colorist.  Here’s a bit about me:

I’ve been working as a erotic furry artist for a while - 9 years now in October. I’m pretty good at color theory, lighting, and rendering different surfaces and textures, have a good understanding of anatomy, and I am always learning more about art every day.  And I have a collection of wonderful clients that I love and I will continue to work with them in my free time, if the need/want is there. ;)

Anyway, I met Tsai at a convention we were both selling at, Califur 2016. I had known of his work and how amazing it is for a while, so naturally was a little intimidated to start a conversation with him. But as anyone who has interacted with or met Tsai in person knows - he’s a pretty chill dude! We learned we lived in the same general area in California, so we started hanging out at each other’s places doing various, crafts and artsy things, and playing awesome silly games with him and his roomies.

As for my interpersonal relationship with him - I’m first and foremost his friend - I want to see him succeed. I want to help him do what he loves and be happy in any capacity that I can. If you’ve read his journal, you know he’s going through some rough stuff right now. So when he approached me with an offer to be his colorist and explained how much it would help him, I eagerly accepted.

So far the experience has been amazing. As a co-worker of his now I can confidently say we work well. We do meetings week-daily, we’re organized, and we’re gonna hit the ground running with this! Because of his experience both in the professional and furry art world, Tsaiwolf is the best art director I could ask for. I am learning so much from him!

In closing, I am hopeful that this teaming-up between Tsaiwolf and I will be extremely fruitful. I am willing and able to throw down the time and dedication needed for mostly everything he can throw at me. And for everything else there is good, ole fashioned communication. ;)





Welcome aboard Kadohusky. I have been a follower of Tsaiwolf for a long time, I hope you can learn a lot from him as well as adding your considerable talents to the team. Best wishes :) Marc