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Last week i still felt not good, most of the time i was in bed trying not to die.

But i used this time to get many things done, let me tell you!

First i sorted the Current Frost V3 Project, 

For that i Created many controllers for Animations and brought all characters that will be in V3 (Maru the Redfox, The Three Wolfes Alicia, Natasha and Kari) on the newest "version" i Use for Character Rigs and control bones, they now also support the new Features like SplineFur and Fur "Fluid" collision.



This also changed the way items are used by Characters to a much simpler and better way,

Before that (Frost V1 and V2, charactes had fixed items that where animated inside the Character animation Blueprint,

This creates a few problems like adding an item for a character to use is much more work and needs unique animations in the character animation blueprint which slowly eats up more and more Ram.

For that reason i changed it so every item now has its own "Skeleton" and animations are saved in its own actor so its only in the ram when it is actually there.

 In V3 there are some items for NPC's to use, like Maru's Bow:


Or Clothing items like the Snowcape the Wolfes are using,


And of course the Spears The Bunnys have >:3

The Whole  Project (Frost V3)

Is now pretty much done from the Artwork side of things, and i now feel better so i can work on my Main Computer again.

But i am a bit torn appart....

I have two big Projects at the moment that are sooo close to being finished, Thats what the Poll is for, Would you rather have me Finish 

A Tigers Dream



Frost V3


Your Vote will Decide on which project i will work the next two weeks with hopefully it being finished for an Alpha Release after that!

Poll end will be next Sunday.

Now to the Fluffy Part of things :3

i also worked on fluffy Foxy Harem and the Most voted things you wanted to see in the Next and last update for that Minigame.

i think with a few hours more i get the Public use feature pretty nice working (with you being able to play as Feral Dog for yourself which is fun)

But i also solved a pretty annoying Problem considering Physics and Animation.

You may have Noticed that some physics in animations are pretty.... buggy sometimes....

The Reason for that is that i could not Control physics assets directly inside an Animation,

Like 3am in the night i got an idea.... Making an Animation node that uses a Physics asset to create the animation and then just use the Alpha channel from the Node to get the physics amount a want.

So i made a test for that.


Notice her Ears? 

They are Simulated, usually this is not possible

(When you create a Physics asset with two endings the Location on the secondary one is buggy)


But now it works great and looks very fluffy :3

And it can even get disabled on the fly so you can grab those ears and the animation works yay! 


This Little NPC you will meet in the Next and Last version of Fluffy Foxy Harem, she is in the Alleyway and if you got 20 bucks you can have lots of fun with that bunny!


This way the Foxy Harem Minigame also has a Anthro Character to have fun with so there is something for everyone.

Will be back Soon :3

and ♥u

Your Furrier,


For some reason i really wanted to make a few Clothing items, won't show you all of them because they are a surprise especially in Frost.

But one that is kinda not used anywhere right now is this:

You may know this coat as Crualla Devils... Don't really have plans for it yet but it was a good training in creating those kind of clothing items.




Wolfy Wet Furr

That's a tough decision for me! Also I'm excited to see your bunny in action, and the new clothes!


I love your games and am really looking forward to the next update ^^


Will come right after that, your new fantasy harem 1.0 is comming 😽💕


I am excited to see all that interest in my little fluffy story, will prioritize Frost!


The Wolfes will ❤️ you, I am exited to tell the frost story further 🐱


Been itching to see Frost v3; can't wait to see all the stuff you've talked about.

E Ranger

Last release of Frost was amazing! Can't wait to see the next one, especially with all the teasers Furrier has been dropping. The visuals are so comforting to me.

Matthew Tierney

Curses, Mirage and Jasmine loose out!


Rajahs '' adventure'' still comes, just working really hard on frost so I can release it in the comming days, after that I finish tigers dream, now patreon friendly with a fluffy furry jasmine. 🐱


Been kinda quiet... Don't worry, the HYPE is still maintained!


Awwww 🐱 made really nice progress want to release this week, if I only can finally fix the save game system, my old one was good for small projects but I noticed it was too unreliable in the new Frost with the level streaming, rewriting it right now to use data tables. Working like a mad kitty, after release I post every two days a minidevblog for the game (don't want to spoil the fun before release) made tons of wip Screenshots 🦊


I unsubbed. The lack of info or anything is bad. I will resub but is there anyway to find out when you release the game update? I was so looking forward to it but I cannot keep paying for little to no info. I am not mad at you i didn't mean my comment to come off as hostile it's just I cannot afford to keep paying 10 per month with no info.


Hey❤️ I totally understand you, wanted to post the new version that week but had to rewrite the save system, I am sorry about that waiting period, as I am moving places too right now. Will send you the post/download as private message as soon as I am ready which should be just a few days! I am Thankfull for your Support, and i want to make you happy ♥ Sometimes i loose myself in the work completely and forget everything around me, Thanks for the Wakeup call :3 Will now post a short update every day until release!


I will resub later on but even a weekly post of "hey I'm still here" would be better than nothing. Once a month if that makes people believe you are not working on it or abandoned the project. Too many do that and it crushes them and breeds discontent. Just please remember not everyone has or wants to go to discord to learn what's up.. I mean we subbed here not on discord..