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First, thank You all for that awesome participation in that poll last week.

The results say that 

Characters are the most important to you, 

followed by Animations 

then Gameplay.

And like i said, i worked on a new and awesome update for that Harem game,

i made huge progress!

The Characters and Animations:

First i decided that just copying the Lioness and changeing the Fur isn't enough and would be lazy, 

so i made the Panther and the Tigress from scratch.

The Felines have unique body size and structure,

(the panther is smaller and general "longer", 

in contrast the 

Tiger is Big and beefy, and no worry the stripes are not simply symetrical, just like in real seeing her facing you is a bit hypnotising.... 

Even the Lioness got an Updated Topology and Rig,

Because of that size difference, All characters must have unique Animations wich comes with a lot of fun :D 

and i try finishing at least one alternative skin for all!


Some mentioned that they liked how the characters are reacting where you are and changeing position.

This works now much better as it calculates the distances to "bodyparts" dynamic and reacts accordingly, there are no more buttons to click to start a interaction, 

You now do this in a way much natural feeling way and this makes much fun! :3

My goal is, to give You as much freedom as possible, you can say where they should go (Lobby, Pool, Bedroom, Dungeon or following you), and interact when you want where you want how you want... at least when it works :x

Funny gets when you say all of them to go into one place ;)


You noticed by now that there are no screenshots from Unreal, thats because i am not done yet with the Fur and dont want to spoil you of the fun of exploration,

Hopefully this week i will have some energy left after work, and my lazy ass to get something done...

My goal is to have something playable ready at the end of this Week *fingerscrossed*

And i like to thank ♥You♥ all for your generous support!

I am so happy having such nice and dedicated People here, i have not imagined so many voting in the last poll, will do now polls more often, so we all together are creating something much more awesome then i could do by myself!

If you have something in mind, problems or anything you can always write me a PM or put it into the Comment section your voice will be heard!

I hope You♥ will have a nice Week,

See you soon!

Your Furrier,

 oil painting by Guillermo Lorca García-Huidobro  


Now the Poll:

I can do Male conterparts of the Felines and a Female Character to play with, 

not for this Update but thats maybe something for Version 1.0

I would like to know what you think about that idea!


Wolfy Wet Furr

For the options to vote on, it's a really tough choice to vote on between adding a female player character, and just adding more animations for the male. No matter what, I would love to see male felines too. To open up more options in the future, I am going to vote for a female player character and male felines. I am really excited for the new feline models, and am pleased, proud, and thrilled that you took the initiative to give them each different body types. They really are rather different kitties. Thank you for your time and effort!


Will you include the shrink potion in this version? Just curious.


Will try, still need to do animations for that, and a warning hunting instinct may appear at random >3


no matter how way how the voting goes, at least there will be one male feline. Have some ideas and need him for some hard fluff, if you know what i am sayin ;3


Having male and female options for the players is always awesome. Would be cool to see some group stuff


Group stuff was not possible before because i was to stupid, but i solved that problem (not the stupid one but the +3 character one) In 0.9 there will be the first group scene, no guaranteeing for surviving three kittys at once tough ^^