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  • FrostTestRenderBlowJob.mp4




I have some News for you loveley People,

so lets begin!


The audio you hear in the Video above was made possible by my good Friend Eve, we are working together to provide You with better audio YaY.

This was the first test, i want to have the full game with complete audio just like this or better (Fingers Crossed).



Also, i did some Shaderwork.

On the Right, you see the new Shader.

I did use the Furshells and the Tranclucency information to get better Specularity on the Hair.

Combined with the Shell Direction and Height this even works with Realtime Motion of the Hair and looks way better than the Old method of just using the Surfaces with a Texture.



My original plan was to do a simple porn game and thats it...

Maybe i just have to much fun on working on this, but primarily i want YOU♥ to have fun! 

Thats why i made an environment and gave the Redfox Character a outfit so she does not  freeze in this world (and i save a lot of Fur so it runs smooth in the Gameplay sections).


The Silverfox now has a complete unique Mesh and Animations.

Left, SilverFox - Middle, Redfox clothed - Right, Redfox Naked

Most of the Gameplay will be in Video Form, so it will run on almost any machine with 60 fps.

But i did not like the implication that You will have only a blank screen and not have the ability to move your head.

So i made the decition to record all of the videos with a "Fisheye" lens (ca 5mm) and a much higher resolution.

BTW, Thanks for the Money i spent on that new Graphicscard, this would not be possible with my old one.♥

So this means you will e able to look around a bit, currently i am planning about 25 degrees left and right and Up or Down, this already feels much better i would say.

This also means, First Person Cuddling Incoming!


That Harem Game,

I am still working on that!

But it will change,

i like to use this opportunity to learn about Multiplayer,

so what will change.

It will be a Virtual online Brothel, 

where You♥ can connect and have fun with all of my Characters, 

chat with other users or just watch and have fun in general.

I will send out Personal invetations as soon as there is a playable version to all of my 10$ patrons!


I think thats all,

I hope ♥YOU♥ will have a awesome weekend,

Love ya!

Your Furrier.

Q: What is better than a Fluffy Fucktoy?

A: Two Fluffy Fucktoys!


(No title)


Werewolf Mike

Going above and beyond!!! Can't wait to see this come to light and bring more of the lovely fox ladies in! Thanks for putting all the hard work into this project!! ^^


I was wondering when we would be able to look around in first person. Very cool integration!


I need some time to get things right, but i like to do a playable "Teaser or Demo" within the next one or two weeks. Doing the animations and recording the videos so that they loop and transition perfectly is a bit tricky. But i think before that there will be another Minigame featuring two evil housecats for you to play with :3


I need to Thank for your trust and support, Thanks for giving me the chance to learn making games ♥


Looking forward to Frost , its looking Foxy