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(episode 1 of 4)

Today I'm rejoined by Monty (@MontyBaby7) to discuss one of the great topics of conspiracy theory lore: Freemasonry. Monty walks us through the development of Freemasonry several hundreds years ago from a guild system. We talk about how some of the more esoteric Freemasonry can enter British Hotep LARPing and white boy magick. 

We also begin to break out all the related rites, Scottish, Memphis, Royal Arch, and so forth. Monty breaks out various Masonic concepts such as the Great Architect of the Universe and examines some of the cross-pollination of gnostic and Rosicrucian concepts. Then Monty gets weird with it, discussing the square within the circle. 

episode art by Robert Voyvodich @r.voy__


Stonehenge by Spinal Tap

Training from Bloodsport soundtrack

It’s Hip to be Square







Keith Allen Dennis

Thank you for untangling the strands re: where Templarism came onto the scene. This is the single dumbest most antithetical artifact to have been picked up.

Steve Ray

Krav Maga is your best self-defense value, because it focuses on keeping your head while being ambushed, attacked, or menaced. The endless drills on not freezing up and -- better yet -- moving towards the aggressor changes the script to "Hey, we were just fucking with you," and lets everyone wander off more or less intact.


Can’t listen to Hip to be square without a “HEY PAUL TRY GETTING A RESERVATION AT DORSIA NOW” Sorry. My mind was poisoned long before podcasts were a thing


Bloodsport soundtrack is so good.