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Today I talk with Khalid of Subliminal Jihad about Islam, djinn, Slenderman, Iblis, Shaitan, Islamic kabbalah, Sabbati Zevi, ceremonial magic, and how T*ylor Sw*ft is a crypto-Sufi. It's a really fun conversation!


Holy Ground by T*ylor Sw*ft




Great episode, and Khalid was especially interesting to hear from. I've heard about a lot of the concepts he touched on before, but I didn't really have a smidge of understanding. Most people online that speak of the esoteric with a religious perspective tend towards the right, so its always compelling to hear that from outside the reactive conservative type.


Jimmy, I have two book recommendations for you if you want to delve deeper into Islamic kabbalah or letter magic. One is "The Iranian Metaphysicals: Explorations in Science, Islam, and the Uncanny" by Alireza Doostdar. It's an account of the modern state of occult practices in Iran. Very interesting! A lot of interviews with practitioners, those who hire their services, and the type of magic they do. The other one is "Miracles and Material Life: Rice, Ore, Traps and Guns in Islamic Malaya" by Teren Sevea. This one is more about the socioeconomic and political position of miracle workers of the current day Malaysia during the 19th and 20th century. Very interesting perspective from a corner of the Islamic world I personally knew little about. It's an interesting blend of Islamic and indigenous folk magic.