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Gotta lay on the back but atleast a blanket isn't really needed. 


I'm so happy about this render because IT BROKE, and I managed to save it!


A month has come and gone and work is just stepping on my toes. We've got a new boss overseeing my day job and she's been... a hassle. New responsibilities are being dumped on me and with a lack of new co-workers (they all quit) I'm sorta stuck. 

They want to promote me (hooray?), but I've explained that I like having my work/life balance as things are/were. 

I have scripts written for the next segment and I'm still working to get a good schedule to work on my art. (I've lost workspace so I can't hide away and work on things during downtime) I've set up stream times on sunday's and monday's on picarto ( https://picarto.tv/unnamedart ) and that's helped for January, but February was hard. I'm still trying to get through this bump. 

If I sound defeated, I'm just very worn ragged this month. 


Thank you all for the support and consideration for continued support!

If you'd like to see more of me being social, you can join my disocrd! Maybe pop into a art stream. Some of those visitors to my art streams have really influenced what I do with my recent renders.




Here's to a good month, Mammary March will be a success :)