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It's been 2 years! As agreed when you made me this big, I can go back to my size. Just a few weeks and I'll get these implants out. Don't look to sad, you like me no matter what size my tits are right?

So Gale's about to downsize... she can't do this to us right!?!


So here we go, the update. It's a long one. 

So it's nearing the end of the year.

A big thing that excited me was the amount of work I did back in January of this year. It felt really good, and was something I sought to replicate a few times this year. Well at least I'll have one more try in December. 

Started with getting sick a few months ago and things sort of snowballed from there. A big blame is something I place on myself for getting too busy with my day job. I've never had to do so much work travel as I did this season. Normally I'm sent out for a week or two, but this time I was out for nearly a combined month. A consequence of that was also being unable to visit my psychiatrist to refill a mood stabilizer. A medication I take to keep PTSD suppressed. I thought I was okay without it for a moment. I was wrong and I had to go through declining sleep and sporadic episodes of severe depression. Again, I should've known better. My lack of posts have brought a decline in support; putting me into a cycle of depression bringing more lack of posts. It would've been easier to fight this with my medication.

Some of you may remember Milkshakes, my kitty, who I held a grow drive to help raise funds for an emergency room visit he had a few years back. Recently he needed surgery and that put me in a bad place. I put out a call on my discord for help with that and many came to his aid. That was a blessing, thank you all who saw the call for aid. He's doing better after his surgery but is fighting a small relapse; nothing to worry about. He gave me aggressive cuddles last night despite having to deal with a cone of shame.

I know this has kinda sucked for wanting to see more and more of my art.

I want to express a huge thank you to everyone for being patient. I posted pin-ups yesterday and many of you sent me messages of goodwill, encouragement, and understanding. That meant so much to me. Even talks on my discord about my art and where I am with it has been great for me. I invite you all to hop on it and keep talks going.

I've been musing about where I'm going with my art. Someone had made me feel down about my art a few months back. I try not to let comments like this get under my skin, but this particular one did. It made me feel like I've got no future as an artist, but then it had me thinking why I was making my art. Things got pretty introspective. I've felt like some things have gotten away with my art. Particularly my workflow. Maybe I'm looking at too much technical stuff that what I need to do is return to the basics and focus on the content. One of the things I think I do well is storylines for my OCs, but things are focusing more on the backend stuff.

I guess what I'm formulating is a new years resolution with my art. I'll talk more about that when I figure it out exactly.

Like what's been the goal of doing my art? What is my core? I don't want to be nor feel that I am someone who makes this content and simultaneously wants to stick my nose in the air about what is and isn't art. My opinion on the 'art world' is too pessimistic to do that. 

Booba, tiddy, titty, tits, breasts. That's the core lol. I like boobs and I want to create art that celebrates that. Themes and subjects surrounding that shifts and change. Sometimes it's boob with milk and other times it's boobs with belly. There's other moments where it's "tiddy but what if six of them?" and I admit maybe it gets too weird when I feel compelled to make something like that. 

However that's the core. 


My backlog (fuck).

My backlog has grown out of proportion again. However, I will be sticking to my gameplan set back up a few months ago. Most current pin-up requests are to be worked on for the month and then I'll move backwards. This is the best solution and I'm sorry for that. I don't want to do what other artists have done for their request tier and only do 'popular' requests; I want to try and respect what everyone would like to see.

That being said, there's quite a lot of friends in the request tier that are very fond of a few characters. Some of those characters are not total favorites to a lot of people. That's okay, but I ask that if you want to see more of certain subjects (or less of others), it's a good idea to help that out by joining that tier and making your requests known. 


I guess what else to add is a reminder that I invite any of you to be a participant on my discord. I know things may feel a little one note there, but more people using it can be a good thing for that. Everyone here has access to the #my-bras-art-club channel. Y'know, cause you're all my bras because you're so supportive. Sometimes it's easier to reach me there. Ideally, I'd like to do more art streams in there too.


I'm working on a short story post to get up tonight. So tier members get ready for some of that.

Request/Director tier members should get an updated form tonight. Again, I apologize for my delays. 

Really, all of you. I can't thank you enough for the support. I'll see you all in December, my birth month. 




Big hearty update, s'good to get it out in the open. Hope December can end the year on a high for ya ^^

Jack Ramsey

Hey, sometimes life happens, it's ok, we'll be here :) hopefully everything starts looking up and getting good again soon, too!