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So I've been meaning to make a discord server for awhile already (a few years), but I felt like the last thing I needed was something new to maintain. However with twitter limiting post views and social media in general being so bad, I decided to finally get things moving. Some of you already are on the discord server when I didn't mean to release it yet.

I screwed it up when I tied things to patreon and the patreon bot started adding everyone who have their patreon accounts tied to their discord accounts to the server. Over a hundred users added within minutes all at once this past weekend. 

Whoops (essentially my reaction in the image above), but hey I've got a discord now! To join it all you need to do is tie your patreon to your discord account within your patreon settings. You'll be brought in and given benefit access to a patreon supporters only channel. 




Out of curiosity, what sort of things do you do/discuss on the Discord?


Pleasant place so far :3


Well so far, I've done an art stream, played some games and there's a few people that share art they like. It's just a variety type of place.


It was fun having access to the moderator channels, even if only for less than a minutes


It was kinda funny once I found out what was going on but yeah it's all good ^^