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Vanessa's got arm rests, but Billie's got the whole dang furniture store. Really I'm stoked with how much space Billie takes up as the largest girl in my library, but thankful for how Vanessa almost seems reasonable by comparision.

Sorry for the tardiness of my posts as of late. 7 day work weeks coupled with alot of travel has been wearing me thin. I've got a bunch of ideas for renders, but just haven't had the time set to actually get them done. I have monday off so here's to hopefully getting things done then.



Akroma McAngelface

That's going to be one HELL of an accommodation request.


Clearly the next step is to have Vanessa grow so large that she makes Billie look normal by comparison instead! :P This looks great, and I can't wait for more. But definitely take care of yourself. Billie was supposed to be anti-burnout, remember!