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Billie's gotten really top heavy and also gained a dump truck! Special thanks to XtheTank for the generous board member contribution for the dump truck to be bolted onto Billie.

However, Billie doesn't seem to understand that she's not done yet. Huge boost to comments this time around as well as ko-fi donations! Because of the donations I've been able to float myself along financially this week and take care of bills that would otherwise put my account in the negative. 

Billie is also a lucky gal because I'm practicing some fwoomp on her. Her boobs are given a particularly fake look from what I've been doing and I'm eager to see how much more I can do to her~ So get her growing peeps.

The prompt from the last update gave a x5 count for all who participated! Now it's time for the new Patreon Prompt!

Ask me a personal question! Or ask a technical question, maybe something of a behind the scenes thing, or about a hobby! If you feel the question is too much, just ask it anyway. 😃




What army do you currently collect/play in warhammer and are you excited for 10th edition?


What program do you use to make your art?


Do you have any experience with 3D printers, and if so, what is your favorite or least favorite part of working with them?


Have any of your renders of massive size (like Gale or Reilly) started to push the limits of your software/hardware?


Basic question but how tall are you?


What are some kinks/themes that you want to explore but haven't? How often are you working on requests with kinks different than you, and does that affect your drive to make it? What is the biggest breast size you think you can make and are you planning on taking any OC that big?


She looks worried, poor gal =w= ... and mm I dunno, favourite band/genre? ^^


Thanks for the fantastic work as always! Here's some questions for you! Hopefully its not too much at once What kinda movies are you into? Any fav films or genres? Do you listen to anything while you work? Music, podcasts, audiobooks? Have you ever wanted to make a picture, but couldn't do to limitations with your software or anything? Just too impractical for it to work out? For a kink focused question, whats the biggest size you enjoy? Has a size like Riley began to push any limits?


I love it

Lord Salwatore

If you could have one super power, what would you like to have?


I'm 'hopeful' for 10th edition. 9th was okay, but I got tired quickly of stratagems drowing me.


But my two main armies right now are Space Marine and Ork, but I do have sprinklings of smaller armies here and there. The perks of having a side job at a hobby store.


DAZ is my main rendering/scene building, but I use marvelous designer and blender to get things right.


I have a resin printer and I really wanted to sell figures of my models. Problem is that it takes so long to print and when I did print them it felt like they never sold. But my least favorite thing about resin printers is the cleanup process. Yuks.


Not push the limits of the software, but more my limit on ability to deal with those sizes while posing. Riley and Winnie are extremely hard for me to deal with particularily. Gale is close but not quite there.

Martin Gray

what have been some of your most personally satisfying results from a render


There's a few that I think are too weird to explore. Egg Laying is something I've read in a few kink stories that really itched something within me, but that's probably to far out there. As well there's alot of requests that don't itch me, but what does itch me is getting people off. So that's always nice to hear a response about how good something worked for someone. Riley right now is probably the biggest I can do, but fwoomp might allow me to do larger. I'm not sure yet.


I like historical dramas. Probably my favorite has been the pianist. I can't really listen to podcasts or music while writing because I start to focus too much on the sounds. More times than I can count, but it's all about trying to find my limitations, working within them and occasionally trying to push them. TBH, the recent short stack's size is what I consider not my limit but peak kink for me.


I think anything with the recent fwoomp technique. I've just been extremely happy to break that barrier for myself and seeing what I can do with it. Primarily the recent short stack image.