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Thank you all for sticking with me as I got over my eye infection! Alot of the wellwishes helped quell my anxiety as I rested up and got better from the infection. I appreciated that as even looking at my phone with the lowest light sensitivity was harsh on my infected eye. And my good eye would cause the other eye to dilate in sequence causing pain so eyepatching wasn't helpful.

This month was a rollercoaster. Started it with my eye issues from last year coming back up. Atleast it was dealt with relatively quickly, but I lost alot of days in the month to it. I got to relax a bit at a anime convention and even sold a pin saying "all tiddy is good tiddy" so that was nice that people seemed to agree with the sentiment. Had a few doc appointments that went better than normal (hey no bad news is good news with the way things have usually ended up!). 

But then I was able to finally get some S cup prosthetic boobs. Neat! Especially that my significant other was totally on board with it. Even better! If you're interested in seeing some of that you can check it out on my private twitter here: https://twitter.com/unnamed3d1 (you'll need to follow first to see anything)

But let's get back to how my art went this month. 

32 images finished thus far. That's... not that bad? It's better than my worst months last year, but totally not near what I did last month. I'm trying to be positive about it, but I'll be seeking to do better in March.

As part of my new year's resolution to just put myself a bit more out there I've also started streaming. Not streaming me making my art, I don't think that'd be interesting, but playing some games. Right now I'm in the middle of a Haydee playthrough so even if I'm boring atleast we can stare at some thicc busty robot girl. 

I made the above image to be the stream starting starting image. I'll be playing just after this (starting at 7 p.m. cst) so pop in say hello! I need to average 3 viewers per stream for anything good to happen on twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/unnamed471




I'm glad you're getting well, U. Missed seeing you around these parts and am happy to hear that you'll be revving up again. Take care and keep on getting better!


I wish you the best. And Thank you


Keep recuperating.