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Photos: New Mexico! I got to visit New Mexico for some work. I'm a little used to the scenery since it's similar to Texas, but I still think some of the places are pretty~ I took these photos in the Guadalupe Mountains.

But I know you're here for tiddy and not boring photos so here's a little extra.

A singular render of Lindsey's friend. I was pretty happy with her shape~ There's no plans for any expansion for her in the story (spoilers), but it'll be fun to have her be the contrast to someone huge. Alt image attached below.

So for this month, I tried a small goal for myself. To try and have each day have something created and ready to go. I didn't achieve the goal, but it looks like I had an image set created for 23 days (not in a row of course). This amounted to 74 images created in total. 

That set a record for this year of most images, and I'm hoping I can keep that for November. 

If anything, I was able to catch up quite a bit on requests. Aside from a few long standing requests, I've nearly caught up to the current month. If you haven't made your request yet, please check out the pinned image to make it. Requests for October will close November 15.

I was hoping to get more done the past few days, but after a doctor's visit on Friday, I got a cold that I'm trying to nurse. Along with that I got some more news about my health so I'm on more medications so the nausea from that coupled with a cold isn't too fun. At the least the news got me some good medication that should help out the rest of my medical issues too. At least Call of Duty released so I've been playing that while I get over the cold (anyone care to guess the game busty boy will be streaming next?)

Sooo last month I included a QnA section of the request form and I neglected to answer them so I'll be doing that in this update!

Q: How are you doing?

A: Honestly, better. While my mental state fluctuates a bit from time to time, I do feel that my health is slowly getting back up there. I just hope that continues to be the case.

Q: Maybe an ordered list of what you are currently working on?

A: I dabbled with a Trello to show what I'm working on. This is something I'm still thinking of doing. But I'm also not incredibly structured with what I'm working on so it might not be to helpful.

Q: I will ask what comic that you are currently working on or comic idea that someone has given you that you are excited to draw?

A: I've been enjoying both Cleavage Medley and Freshman 15. The cursed series is also fun and I hope it gets to a point that you'll all enjoy. I want to do more of the Hucow story I started over a year ago, but I think it needs a more solid direction for the story.

Q: How long does it normally take you to create one of these images?

A: So creating the idea is probably the longest process. Creating a new outfit takes a few days, but once it's created I can utilize it over and over. Scene set up and posing, as long as it's straight forward doesn't take to much time. Up to 4 hours on most occasions. Rendering used to be terrible. I had an Nvidia 2070 and renders of around 3000x3000 took over 2 hours each time. Because of support to my patreon I was able to make PC upgrades over time and I eventually got a Nvidia 3070 (when scalper prices finally died) where renders now can take as little as 20 minutes. That greatly helped my pacing too.

Q: I was curious, just how much extra work does some the extra pairs (boobs) add?

A: I do have some models that have grafted geometries so with that base, I don't have to do my old method anymore. My old method was really archaic, it would involve duplicating the model removing the geometry around the boobs and just photoshopping the seams. That method is still helpful when sizes get too big.

Q: Any plans for another growth drive in the nearish future?

A: I wanted grow drives to be a seasonal thing. Something only done at the end of the year, but this year was pretty hard. I don't want to overdo grow drives and make them so passé. Likewise when a character is that big, I want it to be because you made them that way and not because I feel like it. It makes their weight so much more relatable in my opinion. Some characters don't follow that rule so I do want to avoid using them in the future.

Again these were all questions from the Pin-Up Request tier made on the request form. I hope that was enjoyable.

So to close this month's update, If I release anymore images today that'll make me happy. I do also plan to release a quarterly update for the Image/Comic catch-up for all in the $5+ tiers. The folder is around 4gbs at this point 😐

Anyway! Thank you all for the support and any consideration for continued support. Because of you, I'm allowed to continue creating my art.



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