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What a rollercoaster, my ko-fi has been republished and already passed review. You can no go back to using ko-fi to tip for the grow drive.

Reminder! Ko-fi doesn't hold any funds nor do they take a fee. I atleast appreciate that the down time was only 3 hours and not the "up to 10 days" they originally told me. 



Still sketch. Time to start using crypto. :-)


What, so it can loose value before the transaction is even finished? Or so that it can be lost when the exchange suddenly closes?


Easy enough to pick a stablecoin. And don't use an exchange. Also, he almost lost everything when Ko-fi put his account on "Hold".


No, he almost lost the ability to collect MORE; what had already been made went right to him. KoFi doesn't hold the money. That would have been bad, yes, but not loosing everything.