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Oh yes, I can feel all the weight on my lap now. It's so hot! How big was she? 45k?!? Haah! I'm so much larger than her now, but tell the board to make me larger! I want the largest breasts you've all ever made! I don't care what it does to me! Make me HUGE!

Day 5! 22% of the way to the goal. It's a battle, but everyone is inching me towards getting the needed funds to repair my car. I'm nervous about reaching it, but at the very least there's some fun to be had with Riley 🥰. The clinic has once again boosted each new ko-fi and retweets/reblogs~ You can join in by sharing at my other social media sites that you can find here

I've been giving some thoughts to the end of the grow drive. I can't have it run the entire month since repairs need to be started this month. I'm still thinking of when to do it, but also I would like to see the goal inch closer along. I'd just like to thank everyone who has so far helped in anyway. Whether it's 1 ko-fi's or 20, it all means something. 💖


The goal of this grow drive is to get my car very much needed maintenance. It needs to be done this month so it can also make it's inspection deadline too. Help is encouraged in donating to my ko-fi, but please don't strain yourself if you're unable. If you've participated in my grow drive's before you must know how it works for supporters. Votes here are counted in multiples and comments are ONLY counted in multiples if you answer the prompt.


Thanks for answering last week's prompt! Everyone who participated by answering received a 10x multiplier to their vote!

This updates prompt: Ask me a question~ Technical, Story/OC centric, or even personal. I've done this prompt in previous grow drives and I've enjoyed responding to them, so let's try it for this one!



Martin Gray

Which of your works/scenes/pictures/renders (not sure whig around apply best) are you most happy with? I had it so often that no piece of art is ever finished, merely abandoned, but which was closest to what you had in mind?

Martin Gray

And if I can get away with another, it's this the same as your overall favourite piece?

Lord Salwatore

Is any of your OC´s related to someone you know?


I don't know if I can consider one single render to be a favorite. Mostly cause alot of my renders have overarching stories, so I look at them as whole pieces instead of singular ones. I also want to add that so many of my stories get altered as I create them. So for the overarching story that I feel is the closest to what I envisioned would probably be Vanessa. I won't go crazy into my notes on her character, but she feels the most 'complete'. Do I wish I did explore some more aspects of her character, yeah, but that's so true of too many of my characters. As for a favorite, probably a singular thing I still look at every once in awhile is this one of Gale. https://www.patreon.com/posts/at-beach-with-39784425


Whoops wanted to add more. I liked that piece of Gale as something close to me because I can still remember my mental state at the time. Me and my significant other (SO) were slowly recovering financially from a few years of bad years; she had lost her US Navy disability pay a few months prior, but despite that things could still be felt as looking up. I really thought that we were gonna make it and I was doing my art full time. My health was wobblier than today, but I still felt optimistic. Things felt alittle stable. A month later, my SO lost her job and things fell apart again. It's bittersweet but I still look at that render as something that kinda feels almost melancholy to me.


Nope, I try to keep alot of my OC's away from borrowing traits of those I know or even the feeling of someone I know.


In regards to a comment you made higher on this post about Winnie - I get that her size, while extraordinarily titallating, is difficult to work with and I am thankful that you have indulged my desire and made her bigger. But if her belly hitting her thighs makes it difficult to render pants, I think that the obviously solution is to just have her never wear pants! ;-) My overall question is on the process - what are the steps from idea to final product and how long does it approximately take? I imagine a single image is pretty straightforward - though something like 'Winnie wrapped in wrapping present and is the gift on Christmas morning' can be technically challenging, the idea is there. What about the comics? You do write significant text - whats your creative process for the big tibby comics? How many drafts do you typically go through? Do you have half backed ideas that you just need to finish writing before they can be published? Which OC has been your favorite to write for? Thanks for everything!


Creaking bed~ all I can think of is, how long does it take to do an image, start to finish


Bingo on the winnie part~ She's mostly rocked dresses just for that reason~ As for my workflow. Writing gets a draft or two, if I feel the idea is strong enough then I'll proceed with laying out a bit more of the story, but I won't get to far ahead. Enough that I can see that the idea is interesting and then I lay a skeletal layout of what happens next and even a potential ending. Sometimes the skeletal frame of the story gets filled out easily and sometimes it takes a bit of thinking and writing. Stories sometimes get things adjusted after a render is made and I feel something could've been said better or to set something up for a future render. PERSONALLY, I hate knowing that a story isn't set in the ground from the start, but it's just how it is when I feel something could be better or if it's not scratching an itch like I need it too. Probably the only thing I wish I had now was the patience to proof-read. I used to write news releases for a PR team and the one thing I learned there was that proof reading your own work is an unnecessarily hard task that someone could easily do for you in half the time. (it's hard to proof read your own work)


BUT, a favorite OC to write for might be for the Freshman 15 story (shoutout RocketNowWow). Giantess growth isn't something I do all the time so it's fun to do something like her. Given that, it can be alittle difficult cause I'm so used to writing about one subject so I have to think outside of what I normally do for her~.


Yeah she rocks all the dresses. Whats your favorite kind of story to write?


So far the things that I've done with Vanessa have been fun. Sure it's not a traditional story, but doing a character arc that spans the year is incredibly fun.


I try to have an idea before I sit down with the software open or atleast a prompt written down. Clothing can take a bit if I don't use from my library and the same if I don't use one of my OC's. If I count planning it takes a day or two. If I count writing then maybe even an extra week. But a straight forward pin-up with one of my OCs, one of her library outfits, with no backdrop can be ready to render in an hour or two (assuming the idea is solidly placed up). Rendering on the other hand, can take a few hours to even over a day (most animations do that, even the low resolution ones). But, with support from everyone here in my patreon, I was able to upgrade my rendering computer and I was so happy to see a render, that would've taken 2 hours, be complete in 15 minutes.

Kameron Kazma

Who's going to be the biggest by the end of this: Gale or Riley? I'm honestly curious. I'm almost tempted to drop a hundred or so out of my next paycheck to support this.


Ok, last question, but just for future reference so I can try to make things easier for you - what kind of poses/outfits/ideas are difficult to render for the bigger girls like Winnie, Gale, and (hopefully) Riley and Madison (oh we havent seen her yet! im just hoping shes huge). Like is Winnie so big that all she can really do is stand there? Maybe lean on something?


Yeah, I'm personally prepared to drop more if it looks like that's a realistic possibility. I wonder how Gale would react to that? Would she be relieved - or jealous? :)


would you ever do a nipple fuck/penetration art?


I really hope it awakens some real jealousy. That would be a big win.


Suppose it's a good reversal from your first question: do you have a particular liking for one of your OC's? Gale, or maybe one of the others?


How did you actually start out with 3D modelling and do you do any not adult work?


Standing there certainly is easier as well as certain sitting styles; really alot of times I’ll have an idea on how to pose her and realize it just looks awkward so I have to change it. Sometimes it’s a slight change and sometimes it’s an entirely different pose. I think some of the yoga renders are a good idea of one where I had one idea in mind but then had to completely redo it because I would’ve spent far to long working on a single pin-up.


I wouldn’t mind doing it and it’s one of those ideas that has crossed my mind a few times. I should definitely give it a shot sometime~


Gale is the one I really have a fondness for. She’s a character I’ve played around with for a long time and sometimes I treat her like a sort of RP/self-insert character. There’s a few OCs that I treat with much more care; trying to keep their story in line or being nice to what situations they find themselves in.


For 3d work, I don’t really do much in the way of non-adult work. I have a short story written about a moment in my life incredibly close to me, I’ve created the assets and I have a draft of the accompanying art for it. However, I just never pulled into completing it. I just don’t I’m that interesting to do something personal like that or that it’ll also feel self-masturbatory. BUT, I got started fiddling in 3D when I was in high school. Stopped playing with it for a few years and then back again. Wondered why not just show some of my more adult ideas on the internet and now here we are.

Martin Gray

Hopefully this follow up is a little less melancholic... Had there been a pie e that got started off "not so sure" about, but as you worked on it became accidently a favourite (no need to identify any piece, but so much of your stuff comes out so great I was curious if any start of as proverbial ugly ducklings)? If so, what was the thing that made it all fall into place? Lighting, pose, expression etc?


Well, I’m absolutely prepared for Riley to be much larger than Gale in order of several magnitudes. Bit of a spoiler for the grow drive, but if you’re honestly curious. 😉


Oh for that there’s been a few that I felt some lighting really saved it. I use light projectors when I can; like as if it’s done in a photo studio with 3 point lighting. I think alot of the ‘new girl’ series falls into that. Maybe the baseball render. There is global lighting, but I also include a soft halo light around her hair. Something like the viewer is ‘awe struck’ in seeing her beauty. It also shows how I use light to give ‘definition’ to the curviest parts of her. Without that alot of my renders would come out flat (or flatter) looking and maybe not be as interesting.

Kameron Kazma

Here’s a topic that’s Taboo: bursting. Will it ever happen and how much to make it happen?


Fair enough, honestly it makes sense, you do what you enjoy ^^

Martin Gray

Got to say, the love fire Gale is appreciated, she seems so down to earth, even with her current size. Who knew, if Riley did surpass har, maybe Galw will feel like her own aren't all that huge after all, and keep them for more than a year


Unfortunately never. It's something that doesn't sit well with me so I'll always turn it down.


amazing boobs ^^