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Never forget, all tiddy is good tiddy. But the best tiddy is the one right in front of you. 

57 images were rendered this month. A dip from last month, but so much better than my string of terrible months last year. I attribute it a depressive episode at the beginning of the month but I'm pulling through.  I'll be trying to look for extra money in the next few weeks to help with needed maintenance on my car. Without it, It'll likely fail it's coming inspection. 

I have a few options, but the one I'm looking at again is a grow drive. It'll be my third one in the past 7 months and I worry that it will be to much to ask for another successful one. 

Other options include re-opening commissions with applications to get a commission or something more out there with like a tattoo slot right on one of Gale's boobs.

I'm hoping to get as close to $2k, but really any help is needed.

Back to other updates. Still shadow/search banned on twitter. This greatly is affecting my reach and ability to grow my patreon by posting my stuff there. I do post on other sites, but twitter by far has been a huge source of new supporters. I can't help but notice how some things I post there can pull in a few new follows while other things I post don't get as much action as they used to. Namely my more recently experimented futa content. I'm not saying that I will dive more into that than I have recently, but dang if there's one thing I don't enjoy is feeling like my art needs to be pigeonholed. I enjoy a wide range of themes and subjects so it hurts when I see something that I believe can be enjoyed by others just isn't getting out there. If you follow me on twitter, retweets really do help.

The bug I'm experiencing with animations is still eluding me.  Rotating figures and figures animated without clothing avoids the bug entirely but I really want to do expansion stuff with my clothing physics. It's really frustrating but I'm still chipping away at figuring that out.

Also, I did notice a big bump of new supporters joining at the beginning of the month. I want to thank you all for joining. I have always hoped that if/when my work gets pirated that there would be people who would find my art worth the support. It was disappointing to see it pirated, but I'm thankful so many did jump on board.

LIke last month, I gotta keep moving forward. I would like some input on a grow drive (especially if you've supported in the past.) I would also like to know what you thought of the mock magazine article, was that a fun medium to try again in the future for my other characters? I was already thinking of a business magazine style interview with Vanessa.

Anyway, thank you all for all the support you've given so far and any consideration for continued support. It really means everything to me.



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