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Vanessa is one of my OCs that's greatly changed over the years. It's been fun seeing her growth and even better when I've opened up the door to explore Vanessa before she became who she is today. Her college years could be fun to see what ultimately got her into lusting to lactate, but there's other things that are definitely up for present day Vanessa.

70 images were made this month. This may be the biggest amount I've created in a single month. What helped was a spur of creativity and a strong desire to push a few stories back up again. Namely, I'm really happy to see more Freshman 15 & Cleavage Medley. There's a few more that are coming back to the forefront, but that'll have to be a task for June.

Still again, I'm catching up on requests. A good chunk were taken care of, but I'm looking to finalizing and posting the slightly more technically complicated requests next month. Mostly with a complicated workflow for a few of them mixed in with my own beef with the limitations I work with.

I want to thank you pin-up directors and short story director for being incredibly patient while I work through them. I do hope when yours is posted that you are pleased with them.

Some medical updates now; my vision is still recovering. There's episodes where my vision gets blurry and I'm forced to just rest, but it's getting fewer between. Some of my energy really returned in force this month, I thank one doctor who recommended a daily vitamin shake. This really contributed to the spur of short stories to come out this month and even contributed to using some patreon funds to obtain a gym membership. I really want to thank you all for that.

I'm still shadow/search banned on twitter. It's been well over a month and half so I've come to accept that the shadowing will not be lifted, so I'm just back to posting there. Still, the cut in my work being shared or 'discovered' by new people has really hurt me. I have to remind myself that it's not because my work is bad.

But, got to keep moving forward. You all absolutely mean the world to me with the support you've shown. I try to remind myself where I was a year or two ago and you've all have been the biggest factor in my life's improvement. Thank you all and I'll see you in June.



Martin Gray

Great to read that things are looking up for you! I for one would rather you rest and recover even if it means a delay to a request, especially if it helps keep your imagination fresh.


want freshman 15!!

Luge Fisker

those puppies still growing?


Agreed, can't wait for more freshman 15.