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Swimming with Vanessa in her pool? What did you do to get so much into her good graces to get to enjoy a warm day with her like this?

I think it's an anxiety thing when I'm working on stuff and think of the other images I need to work on and post. I'll horde a small pile of images until a point I feel I can post them all. I think tonight's image posts were the biggest I've done in awhile.

Much like last month, I'm catching up on requests and I still have quite a few to do. However, wow, there was some requests outside of what I expected. They were fun to do, and I know they're not everyone's cup of tea. My last survey showed alot of you are okay with ignoring things you're not into and I still hope that remains to be the case. I appreciate it. 

For this month's update image, I realized Vanessa didn't have any love so I did this glamor style renders for her. That first image really feels like a magazine or perfume commercial and I really dig it. Moreso the saturation gives me a vibe of one of my favorite photographers, William Eggleston. That's neat especially since I want to get back into photography as a hobby again.

I can give some upward looking medical news. I had a follow up since last month on my vision and there's progress. To summarize, there's two scars over each of my pupils. We're not sure how they manifested, but I've been needing to take steroid drops that'll slowly repair them. This is a long progress but there's progress.

I had hoped a week break I had this month would let me be more fruitful with my art, but instead I used it to rest and recover from the hectic things going on. Glad I did after dealing with being shadowed on twitter and getting gaslit by a tireshop

Thank you all for the support. Especially the encouragement and assurances about me working on the weirder side of themes. You all are awesome. 💖



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