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Gale: Well you wanted to take me out on a date to a restaurant, but I told you there's no way I'd fit in your car. Does the back seats drop down? Maybe I can fit through the trunk~

Sooo, near the end of last month, my vision started acting up again. Since starting my new job this meant that I've got health insurance (half decent health insurance atleast), and I've gained a new doctor. I informed him of my bad experience with a doctor last year and so far he's been stellar in trying to treat me. After some blood work we could see that I was pretty healthy, aside from the issues we knew about. Really a good blood work wasn't what we needed to see since it doesn't pinpoint a cause, but I've been put on a few number of pills. I'm not totally comfortable talking to much in depth about it, but the pills have been doing a number on me. I spent the past two weeks completely in zombie mode and it's only in the past few days that my head feels like it's clear enough to get back to my art. Still it's a learning process and at the least I have a doc who feels like he cares. Sorry for the non-existent posting this month, but I'm getting back up to speed and hopefully can get stuff posted almost daily now.



Lord Salwatore

Hope the meds help you. Wish you the best and remember your health always comes first!


No worries man, do what you need to get through it.


Yeah, don't mess around with your eyes. I hope by "Doctor" you mean "Optometrist". And if you have a diagnosis, it doesn't hurt to do your own research


I do have a cornea specialist too, and what I've been liking about my new team is they've been giving me the raw readings as well as their diagnosis. It's let me look up what my readings mean and helping me see what my medicine is doing


Not optometrist, ophthalmologist. The latter is an actual Doctor and who should be seen for anything beyond needing glasses


Glad to hear the news about the doctor. Your health comes first!