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2021 F-ing sucked, but we got through it.

But. I'm not going to focus on the terrible stuff. Feel free to peruse the update tag if you'd like to catch up or refresh on all the trouble. In February I received shocking health news, but the changes that came after that were positive. Alot of my health issues alleviated and that's been awesome.

I also covered alot of ground to catch up on $10.00 requests. Remember, today is the last day to get those requests in on the post here

This month also had a grow drive to celebrate reaching 20,000 followers on my twitter. Thank you to those that supported the idea of including a ko-fi tip component. It ended up completley helping me with my kitty's emergency visit. Further, it actually helped pay some other utilities and getting a new desk chair after my old desk chair finally gave up. I really didn't expect that at all. You all really gave me an amazing christmas and I can't emphasize how much that means to me. It really feels like 2021 is leaving me on a high note knowing how much my work means.

Speaking of, I did some basic estimates on how much I really expected Gale to grow during this grow drive. Maybe 60,000 ccs total by the end and a more conservative estimate of 40,000 ccs. We're approaching 150,000 ccs and, if anymore comments, tips, and shares occur, I might wake up tomorrow to Gale expecting to have 200,000 cc implants.

It's alittle concerning, but I do feel it'll be fun seeing how Gale deals with it. I doubt she'll want to be stuck in her home for 2 years, but who knows. She may not have the choice.

I do want to note that I thoroughly enjoyed a style of storytelling with Vanessa and The New Girl (with the plastic chest) where their story unfolded in real time. Vanessa becoming pregnant to enhance her milking breasts and The New Girl getting closer to you and giving a wonderful christmas present.

I'm really unsure of what else to put. I've got a bunch of things I'm still working on. Getting back on the horse for new comic pages, more short story pages, and an animation. Still, because it's new years eve, I'll be taking the night off (and possibly some of tomorrow), but Gale's new breast size will be unveiled on Sunday.

Have a wonderful evening everyone, thank you and I will see you in 2022!




Here's to a happy new year, and the biggest Gale yet!


Part of me wants to see her gradually fill up to that 200k but I imagine many want to see the lot in one go. Gonna be down to her knees :P


I'm a huge fan of gradual changes, but Gale's gonna be all at once~ After a grow drive that did involve tips, it feels alittle bit too much of a tease to wait over the course of a few months to get her to a final size~