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Update #5

Okay okay... we're getting ridiculous now. I'm nearly to 100k... You all even were saying 80 was fine. We can stop now... oh... there's 48 hours left. I'm gonna end up over 5x my current size, aren't I?

Holy crap, I legit did not envision the grow drive getting as far as it has. I do want to thank those of you that were behind me including the ko-fi portion of the grow drive. Along with taking care of my kitty's medical bill, I was also able to catch up on a few utilities (that I fell behind on because of my kitty's initial expenses), and now I'm actually thinking I'd get to look at getting a new desk chair. I really thought I'd be going a few months on a folding chair. I can't thank you all enough for the support over the past year, given the ups and downs, you all stuck by me... it means the absolute world to me.

But actually... I really did some math before the grow drive started and only expected to maybe double the implant size; I did not have high hopes. Then my estimates were blown out of the water before the first update (getting me to make an update 2 days early). Just wow. 😭You all gave me an amazing Birthday and Christmas because of that.

1 problem now... gotta deal with massive implants on Gale for 2 years (no take backsies) 😫


Last prompt was fun, and I awarded those who answered the prompt 4x the amount. For this time I'm keeping with asking me a question again. I hope that's not to disappointing or you can tell me what your resolution for the new year is~

Note that I also flipped the awards for comments and likes~ comments are now worth twice as much as likes. Of course, if you answer the prompt, I'll give a multiplier~




once again congrats


Hey! You took my advice! Damn, you can really see the comparison. I'm... sorry? No... no, I'm really not. If anything, I'm sorry for not actually being sorry. Does that make me a bad person? It might make me a bad person. Alright, here's a question, besides apparently strength exercises, what resolutions are you planning for next year?


I'm terrible as resolutions so I never make them, sorry :B But anyway, congrats, soooo sorry Gale will be super duper big for a couple years :P


My question: You say problem, but what is one thing you're looking *forward* to with the new massive implants?


My New Years Resolutions are to work out more and get out of my comfort zone more. This question is for Gale: Are you looking forward to buying a whole new wardrobe for your massive new implants? I imagine most of your new clothes will have to be custom and not off 'the rack'.


I suppose the question I have is what is the largest implants in the Unnamed-verse and is Gale set to break the record?!


I'm gonna repeat myself again... But you really deserve all of this... This is damn good work from you! Whats about your resolution for next year? I'm not going for any resolutions, because when i want to do something different or change something, I will do it anytime just when i think about it... Buuuut probably will need to get my time management going better than this year :D


What are some of the challenges of creating a character this absolutely massive? And for Gale, what are you feeling with how large the implants are getting? Aroused? Scared? Excited that the volume keeps growing? Do you want it to keep growing and your implants to get even more massive?


Gonna get her as close to 100k as possible! Whats your favorite hobby?

Lord Salwatore

Have you thought about how she will carry her extra weights?


Do you have any favorite stories?


Uh... by the way, if I'm doing my math correctly, it looks like those implants are gonna weigh 167.5 pounds. Each. Right now you have 335 pounds of breast being added to you, and that's just this update... ...yeah... you may have some issues with mobility...


The math I did puts the weight alittle higher, but I'm just gonna ignore that for now~ haha... ohno.


gonna need exosuit for these titties


If we're talking about sexy stories, I'm a fan of blackshirtboy's stuff (https://blackshirtboy.com/) their stuff is great and to the point in their stories. I'm also a fan of Orion (https://twitter.com/OrionArt1991). Orion is ciminally underrated, he has obscenely creative and his work really gets my creativity flowing.


There's a few options. 1.) Literally become immobile in the apartment 2.) Inexplicably end up on each location 3.) a 'friend' helps lift them 4.) ignore it and she can just move relatively unimpeded. tbh, I'm a fan of #2 with maybe a sprinkling of #3.


I enjoy painting and playing Warhammer. I'm not good at it, but it's something I enjoy.


Challenges are mostly is that it kills my workflow. Normally I design and fit outfits for 'normal' proportions. The fabric is simulated in software so when proportions start getting 'hot', it gets difficult to translate. "Honestly... uh... alittle worried, I've had large implants before, but nowhere near where I'm gonna be. It also feels... alittle hot that I'll have so much boobs on me. IF I go anywhere... idk how people will react! I didn't think we'd get near 100k, but now it's like let's keep going. I'm actuallly getting wet thinking if I wake up on new years and I'm just told to get three times what we've raised now... 😳"


I haven't done a resolution in years. A proper one atleast. Right now everything is trying to get rid of old debts. I feel I'm in a better position than I was at this time in 2020 and as well in 2019. Time management is a good one. I have a new job to keep things somewhat afloat so I need to manage my energy well between that and doing my art. (I still dream of someday actually being able to do this full time and survive off the income.)


Actually, I think so. I can't recall any other time I've had an implant this large. Sure there's been some girls that are (un)naturally massively busty, but none that were canonically implants. Closest might be Clara, but Gale is gonna dwarf her totally.


I'm so looking forward to PANICING over a new warddrobe. I imagine my first few weeks will be absolutely hell and I'm fighting the urge to just berate everyone into buying me outfits. I mean afterall, YOU did this to me.


It'll be fun and a challenge. I normally avoid things that are of certain sizes because of my own limitations in my art. I like keeping how much time I spend on things to certain limits and larger characters require me to spend more time working on them. I already have difficulties with my own life forcing me to dwindile time spent on my art (especially when my health flips me the bird and I become barely functional). Dealing with my primary OC Gale at this size could force me to learn more. I'll give an in character response too: Maybe it's selfish... but maybe alittle bit of all the attention? Feels nice to just feel so overpoweringly sexy 😉


I would say get out more, but idk if that would evenly be possible! So I guess focus more on fixing up my home and making it a bit more personalized instead of a space that I waft through. fyi, you're soooooo a bad person.


I was wondering how accurate you portray the implants's size? Do you use references? Make the software calculate the size (just inputting the volume, and it gets scaled to the right size)? Is it basically just guesstimating the size?


I create a sphere with the correct diameter for the volume and I scale my implant model to match. It's pretty accurate to what implants of that size would look like.


Hmmmm I wonder what Clara's benefactor will think about this turn of events... Inspiration?! 😳


I saw you mention playing Warhammer, what army/armies do you play? Haven't touched mine in over a decade, but used to play Wood Elves and Tau. Also as a pipeline question, any chance we could see renders of the incremental sizes as applied to Gale? Could easily put it forward as an acclimation kind of thing, although I will definitely admit I'm mostly just curious to see the direct impact on the profile for each stage. I definitely get that it could be more work than you were intending, though, especially depending on how the assets are organized.


My two primary ones are Orks and Space Marines. And for AOS I have smaller Stormcast, Daughters of Khaine, and somehow I got gifted a unopened Empire Battalion box. I think incremental sizes would be awesome, but insofar I have posted pretty much on all my social media stuff that the final size will be revealed on Sunday. I do think, as a compromise, I might do a piece that shows Gale's sizes over the years. She's been multiple sizes as part of various milestones so it would be neat to get an idea of how she is from then to now.