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I didn't think this though... They're practically the same size my implants are now! We can stop now right? WHAT, there's 9 more days?!?
I better be getting some gift cards for christmas then... 😒

Update #3! Gale is pushing further and further with the amount of Saline that'll need to be pumped into her at the start of the new year.

Thank you all for participating and especially for showing some good things going on in your lives for the last post. (I actually doubled the amount of Saline you had given to Gale for answering the prompt 😉)

For this one, how about you tell me about other hobbies you may have? Maybe a favorite video game or a song you're enamored with.


In case you haven't looked at my ko-fi. The tips received for this grow drive are going towards helping cover my Kitty's emergency vet bill. It's really helping me stay afloat right now; aside from a few hickups (had my internet shut off for about 30 minutes on monday; they were nice enough to turn it back on when they saw I made a small payment on the first).

You all do plenty as is by supporting my work on Patreon, but it does help to retweet this grow drive post on twitter to help gather the support. Likewise, it also helps balloon Gale's implants.

tbh, I didn't expect us to be getting close to nearly doubling her current 20k implants. 






You just have some nice crowd that shows a support for you as artist and for you as human. You deserve it! But about hobbies? Well besides graphic design, I love building cars. I bought old nissan many years ago, and still loving that thing. Got engine swap, bigger brakes, wheels, suspension, few rare oem parts...


I'm glad to hear you're already over halfway with the Ko-Fi goal! I mostly play guitar and bass in my free time. Right now, I'm practicing Implore the Negative by Benighted on guitar, and it's very loud and very hard 😅


Gotta pump those numbers up!


Yee Double Gale~ I'm a gamer and been playing Fall Guys pretty much daily since it came out :P

Ryan Datsko

I’m a gamer I play Fallout 4 ,Minecraft and Risk for the most part.


Hey keep up the good work! You're a fantastic artist. As for my hobbies, I am a runner, gardener, and I am just getting into astrophotography. (All of which are good pandemic/solo hobbies, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.) The game that I have been getting into lately has been Fallen Order.


Agreed - really enjoyed everything you've produced. Video Gamer as well - current games are Avalom, Frostpunk & Crusader Kings 3


Glad that things have been helping. Definitely a lot of gaming on my end--working on writing my own tabletop system after playing a lot of D&D, some GURPS, Exalted, Risus, and others. Been playing a lot of PC strategy (Northgard, Wartales) and some older titles. Almost finally done with Stalker: Clear Sky, onto Call of Pripyat soon.


Almost 20k, let's keep pumping those numbers

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-27 12:52:41 Hobbies? #1 is probably D&D. Also enjoy a good single player RPG
2021-12-25 21:11:28 Hobbies? #1 is probably D&D. Also enjoy a good single player RPG

Hobbies? #1 is probably D&D. Also enjoy a good single player RPG


Are we allowed to double dip in Twitter and here? I hope so, because... well... that's what I'm doing here. Hm... favorite game or music? I certainly have an issue with too many tabletop games during the week.